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Hey all,

Hey now what's this, another Gryffindor I mean Griphondoor girl? Weren't you going to do one of each house on every iteration of 7 Hairy Trotter girls?

Well you see, as you may have read in the previous Hairy Trotter gal, the named characters among the four houses aren't exactly equal in number, and some don't get up to the final 13 total I would need for each house. Certainly not from those purely within the book canon, because if going by purely those only Griphondoor has enough to make it to a full 13, and then only just barely with numerous gals name dropped once and never mentioned again. So for some sets of 7, since the numbers aren't equal among the houses, I need to double up on some by stretching what can be considered "canon" and including ones from extra material, though I tried to stay away from Video Games as much as possible. Most extras being from the notes (already seen one from Ravencl-Crowtallon) and some from the films.

This one however, is not from the notes, as Katie Bell... *ahem* Katja Beel, plays a significant part in the books as part of the Griphondoor Quidditch... Quimbitch? team, and the unfortunate collateral victim of an attempted attack on Dumble-dior at one point, at least if memory serves me right it was her, not that other chaser from the Griphondoor team.

Whew, stopped myself on time there in mentioning his real name.
And by that I mean I obviously didn't because Dumbledior is an original character do not steal, as are all the others so far and I have no idea what you're talking about.

Oh yeah a sex joke... ehm... She's really good with a "broom handle", trust me.


So as said previously, this will be the last upload of the week, as I am away for the weekend due to birthday related shenanigans and the big piece will likely drop on either next Monday or Tuesday instead.

SoCarter out.



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