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Hey all,

Oh would you look at that, another series of character sketches? Oh my, from Hairy Trotter(tm) this time?

I trust you all know what franchise this actually is, but since the ages of some can be rather... questionable ...here's the porny spoof of the setting where everyone is legal and also that totally isn't Hermione, it's... Harriette Grinner... yeah, that's it. Completely different character.

As I had said, no essay on Hagworts(c) lore, I want to cut the load down and actually be done with a piece once finishing drawing it, not then also spend an hour writing a dissertation or novel or whatever, so we'll leave it with a lil' blurb about their character.

Among the student body of Hagworts(c) every year brings their fare share of desirables. students, both male and female, like to rank each other and gossip among themselves about who they'd like to bone, how hard, how often, and in which position(s).
Not so Harriette Grinner, she's the studious type, preferring to focus on her studies and getting high grades, whatever the cost.
Whatever the cost.
You dear reader, may make of that sentence what you will, because this frizzy-haired bookworm will do anything for an O (Orgasmic, don't ask me how the Hagworts'(c) grading system works)

This of course, does not stop the other students from grading or pining for her anyway, and though still she's oft overlooked, she is among the bustiest in her grade, though few can tell because she's always tightly hugging a stack of books and scrolls to her indomitable bust. In her house of Gryphondoor(r), she's secretly the current top ranking lass in her year, though the boys don't dare tell the other girls.

What is of course the best thing about her, is that her incredible body is almost entirely natural. Wizards and witches like to... *ahem* "Enhance" their assets and looks, but Harriette has no interest in such ventures, as plan b for a good grade is merely a fallback should things go awry, she prefers to get ahead using her brain.

Hmmn, still quite a bit of text, but as this also serves as a bit of an introductory bit, I'll let it slide for now.

Also, the full title of the book she's holding is "Fantastic Breasts and Where to Find Them", because I am both witty and hilarious and also it's literally just one extra 'r' and the book becomes about something completely different... and I have the humour of a 10 year old.

SoCarter out.



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