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Yes I've been gone for a while again, my longest break yet. Last time I left you I don't entirely remember what I said, and I could go back and read my ramblings, but I'm pretty sure it was something pertaining to my health and how I was doing better and going to get back into things, and I'm feeling too lazy to check and make sure.

I think it's fairly obvious that didn't end up happening. I was not doing well, a combination of health issues, burnout, frustrations over all the setbacks from the previous year, and an ever-growing backlog, it all piled on and I just couldn't.

The first few weeks I was telling myself I was going to get back to it any day now. But also, obviously, I never did. Eventually I realized I was doing much better without the stress of forcing myself to draw pron, so I decided to ride it out till I felt better and ready again.

If you're curious about the nerve damage I sustained, I'm pretty sure it's permanent now, but it's very minor, a light tingling and numbness in my feet. I can deal. I'm doing fine.

I'll share more tomorrow about what I plan on doing now, but rest assured. I'm back. And here's a preview.

SoCarter out.

Thank you for sticking with me, I really appreciate it. And if you didn't, no hard feelings.



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