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Woah what? What's this random nonsense? An animation?

Hey all,

So I whipped this up yesterday in about an hour by splicing the various versions together of the Lilo & Stitch lifeguard getting boned and putting it in a loop. I got the idea from when I was cycling through a collection of my work and found that the various versions can sorta kinda function as an animation when given a bit of tweaking.

So I did that. Most of the work went into offsetting the titty bounce by some frames so it looks like they're getting bounced up by hitting the belly bulge, and really this only works as an animation because of the way I happened to draw it, I don't think I could do this with any other piece I've done before.

If I had planned this from the start I probably would have put the guy and the lifeguard in separate layers so it'd be easier to manipulate them separately to make it a real animation, but I lacked the foresight. Still, nice little coincidence that I think looks surprisingly decent for something I never set out to do.

Just a fun little experiment to tide you guys over while I'm dealing with the latest setbacks, of which I have no significant update on this time so It's just more of the same.

SoCarter out.



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