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Hey all,

So this is, yet again (tired of hearing this yet?) late. Nothing big going on, not even being a mopey downer or being lazy, nope. Just simply been feeling a bit under the weather.

Feels refreshing to have a normal excuse for being late, just standard fare. Tired, cold and hot at the same time, nauseous. A good old cold it seems.

...or perhaps I have caught the coof... We'll see, I'm not too worried. Just lucky me this happened after the scheduled hospital visit earlier this week because if it happened earlier I likely would have had to reschedule, which is a chore.

But that's personal stuff.

Now, 40K

This time we're looking at something a bit more obscure in the lore, because this deadly lady is known as a death cult assassin.

Now many of these death cults that exist within the imperium are very illegal, and either knowingly or unknowingly worship one of the chaos gods, mostly Khorne.

More on chaos later.

But there are imperial ones, cults that have been state-sanctioned as they are merely very... violent interpretations of the standard imperial religion. The most important part is of course that they believe in the god emperor of mankind. Which they do, so they're allowed.

These non-heretical death cults are often deployed by the inquisitorial arm of the imperium, either as infiltration agents or dedicated members of an inquisitor's personal retinue.

For inquisitors you see, hold a hecking heaping heck-ton of power within the imperium. They in fact wield the ultimate authority within the imperium, as not even the lords of Terra that oversee the imperium in the emperor's stead may overrule their decisions. This is to ensure that, should one of those lords become corrupt, an inquisitor can just off them without issue... because corrupt lords of Terra fucking everything up was a problem for some time. Now this doesn't ensure that the inquisitor themselves can't be corrupt, but the organization self-regulates itself, and though technically there are no official ranks among the inquisitors, there are those that are held in higher esteem than others. So you know, there's some oversight at least.

There is a lot more to say on inquisitors too, which we will save for when their turn is up. But I hope that little tidbit there was enough to illustrate to you how and why these guys might hire assassins such as these.

Now in lore and on the tabletop, I've only ever seen them depicted as women, (and seeing the modest bust size I gave this gal, probably the most accurate depiction of a 40K entity I've drawn yet, fun fact that) but there is nothing stating they can't be men either, so that's possible.

Now, what should be noted here are also the other assassins. The official Imperial assassins, hailing from the officio assassinorum. These death cults, are not them.

Imperial assassins are insane, perhaps the most specialized and one-on-one deadly individuals within the entire Imperium, and considering the power the Imperium still holds, possibly even the entire setting. Well, that is of course outside of well known legendary heroes in the setting.

These guys are not that, death cult assassins are more your garden variety space ninja, not a "can probably 1v1 a space marine chapter master in open combat". And I'm pretty sure that, even if you don't know anything about 40K, you probably know of space marines, so that should say a lot about them.

Should one of these death cult assassins prove particularly skilled in the art of death however, (and not too old to begin the insane training required to become one) they may be picked up by the officio assassinorum to become a real assassin. So perhaps we will see some of these other assassins next.

This post seems like a nice leadup to them, doesn't it?

SoCarter out.



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