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Hey all,

So as one can see, this is late. Not a good sign for the first week of my tentative return, but constantly stopping and starting and throwing the schedule into further disarray is just another way of messing up my rate of uploads so we'll roll with it of course. Luckily for me, it's not entirely my fault this time. As I was busy over the weekend with other things which I knew could make uploading on time difficult, but also now that I am late my pc has decided it wanted to be difficult today. Of course, this pc belongs to me, and should listen to me, and I am far more stubborn than it. So I wasn't going to let a two day delay turn into a three day one, uncooperative computer be damned, however difficult photoshop decides it wants to be.

But it does mean it's not uploaded as early as I had hoped to push this out. And on top of that, I was called to work today out of the blue, that also didn't help.

Frustrations about delays aside and fears of where it will lead to (again), let's talk about what's actually up there.

It is again one of the final commissions that are left on the chopping block, so we're crawling ever crawling towards complete artistic freedom... well not really some more have been left (or are being discussed so might be more in the future) so...

Nothing changes on your end, there will just be a (hopefully) steady stream of smutty drawings. Also it wasn't like I don't like doing those, otherwise I wouldn't take them on. But you know, the backlog. Ideally things would just be done instantly. Alas, things take time.

So who are these two? Well the green haired headband chick is known under the initials of 'BW', and the spunky redhead with a gap in her teeth is called Rawhide. They're a cowgirl chick and a native american respectively.

They're from a cartoon, where obviously they don't look like that. Called Long Gone Gulch. Never seen it. Commission was make 'em hella thicc with curves all over the everywhere so here they are, with gigantic T&A, servicing another hefty chonker of a penis, because that was also part of the commission, a double titfuck of a mega dong. As you can tell from the title, part of one of their names appears in it, because I'm oh so very clever. And it's true too, that IS a raw titfuck.

I couldn't work BW into the title however.

Also I've drawn her before, as an RQR from ages past.

Well not that long ago, it's one of the more recent ones. Served as inspiration of the requestee. of this one actually.

No alternative versions this time as much as I'd have liked to include one, cuzz I'm late enough as it is.

SoCarter out.



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