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Hey all,

Told ya I'd be uploading on Sunday? See? I can occasionally hold myself to my own schedule.

And today we've even got one of those big ones I was talking about, but not a commission no. As one can plainly see, this is another digiwoman! Finally, it's been so long! What was the last one? Fairimon? Beelstarmon? I can barely remember.

But yes, I have not stopped producing digi-smut. It took a while due to several delays and reschedules messing everything up again and again, But I've been slaving away at this thing in the background over the past couple weeks to finally again do another one of these. This time it's Ceresmon's turn, another eternally underrepresented sexy digi-lady. For no good reason really, I mean look at her. Those luscious locks, those plump lips, the hips, the thighs, the ass, the chest... She's the whole package, all wrapped up in some planty bits much like Rosemon and Lotusmon. Unlike those two though she also wears some big armour bits she's chosen to ditch for the occassion, and she's somewhat a part of a big plant/soil monster, some real kaiju stuff there. But she can move independently of it so it's not like you have to put up with a big scary city trampling beast attached to her while she slorping away on your dangus.

As you can see, she's quite good at it.

Socarter out.



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