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Hey all,

So as you must have noticed we're off to a bit of a rocky start with my post-ill-not-sure-if-I'll-have-to-call-another-break-for-christmas upload schedule, first with a late Sunday RQR and now with a late character sketch.

As you also may be able to tell, this "sketch" is distinctly less sketch-like.

Both of those things are because I've been taking some extra time experimenting with different methods, again striking for that quality/quantity balance. And I think the way this one was done in is completely doable with my schedule.

And I should know, I've premade like, two more in less than a day.

No I won't be uploading all three at once. But it just shows that this doesn't have to be a huge time sink and I can still produce stuff this clean looking.

The fantasy sketches will remain as they are though, I like the look and these clean lines and flat colours don't really fit the parchment look they have.

But as one can see, if you're familiar with the property that is, in this new series of sketches I will be lewdifying the various babes and bombshells that inhabit the... *drumroll* Warhammer 40.000 Universe! And for those that are neither babes nor bombshells I will MAKE them so.

Of course I know quite a bit about WH40K, it is one of my favourite "scifi" (more of a science fantasy than science fiction, Star Wars likes to call it space opera, which sounds fitting enough) settings, so I will be able to accompany each upload with a bit of lore on the subject. I am however not an authority on the lore, and the way this property handles the canoninity of its lore makes it easy for fan theories and head-canon to seep its way in and become common accepted 'facts' despite not being so. Because Games-Worshop's stance (they own the setting and make the models and wargame and stuff) on lore is: It's all canon, it's just not all true. (Mind this goes for official lore, not third party stuff, but with many things being vague and up for interpretation you can see how it can cause confusion at times)

This line of thinking means that technically things never really get retconned or ideas disbanded, as it was all vague and uncertain to begin with. That little lore tidbit you read in that codex from decades ago is canon in the that sure, someone in-universe believes it is true or at one point someone existed that did, and as such wrote it down for us to read, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's true, that person could simply be mistaken or have been lied to.

This may sound all needlessly convoluted and asinine, but in essence it's meant to facilitate one goal: this world is a collaborative effort, including the players. "your dudes" as they are often called (basically meaning your own oc army you collect and play (if you play that is)) can feasibly exist within the canon at all times and so in this grand collaborative effort of make-believe for adults YOUR DUDES have an impact, because so much is left up in the air.

Like there are two entire Space marine legions that are "lost" to imperial records purposefully that writers specifically have not, will not, and would never, expand on because they're placeholders for possible player legions of their own to insert "their dudes" into. (of course barely any player ever does because there's not supposed to be any explanations for why the legions disappeared, and they are supposed to be LOST and GONE, and you can make your own space marine faction anyway by way of successor chapters)

Now of course with the amount of players and fans of the property this can never be realized, that's far too many people and conflicting ideas to keep track of. Which is why it's limited to all official works GW produces. But it is fun to think that in some way, shape, or form, at least one person living within the WH40K universe could believe "your dudes" are real, or maybe they are real, just not in the exact way you had in mind, and are as such part of the "canon".

Not this gal though, she's Cadian, meaning she's as canon as any 40K thing can be considered canon, the bog-standard Imperial guard or "astra militarum" (as GW likes to call the guard for copyright reasons, because they can't copyright mundane words) all other guard regiments should strive to be like. Well, the exposed cleavage, high heels, and huge badonkers may not be, but the rest of her sure could be.

I would say more here but I've rambled enough I feel and there's more than enough other guard regiments to talk about in the future for me to explain more about them in general, so I'll just leave you with this:

The planet broke before the guard did, Cadia stands.

SoCarter out.



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