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Wow, that title is way too long.

Hey all,

So as the title says if you've bothered to read the entire thing, I've got a couple things to go over.

Now first of all, phew, it's been a while again hasn't it? I know I promised more wips but the problem with that is that I don't really like posting things that aren't done, so I keep putting it off to a state where I feel it's more "complete" and ok to upload, even when it doesn't really make sense because a wip is only a wip because it ISN'T done. But I guess that's my brain for ya.

Anyway I am tentatively optimistic, I've been feeling better and better over the last week, and although things aren't completely fine yet, I've started doing my groceries on my own again and going back to work (to a limited capacity) And things are going great.

I've also freshly gotten new meds for whatever the fuck is wrong with my body that (fingers crossed) will work and I'll be back in action in full soon.

So I guess that's what this is, health update + tentative announcement of a return to action uploading and drawing things.

To talk about that drawing up there, if you've watched Danny Phantom I'm sure you'll recognize her, it's Desiree, the evil genie ghost thingie sort-of-recuring-villain-it's-been-a-while-I-don't-remember-entirely-what-her-deal-was. She had huge tits.

So of course, as per usual for me, I made them bigger. And she's using them on some lucky bloke, being quite smug while pleasuring his sex stick. But with big ol' green titties like that, can we even blame her for being smug about them? This is probably the first rqr (random quick request) I've done in months it feels like and I'm glad to return to it, quick character sketches soon to follow as well.

And I guess I'll post another wip soon-ish too.

And yes she's a ghost and stuff so since I was ill through the halloween bizz see this as a very belated celebration, happy halloween you all I only missed it by 11 days that's not too late right?

SoCarter out.

PS: nearly forgot, that wip from last time? Yeah, it was nearly finished, and then the file got corrupted. The entire thing. Just poof, rendered unusable. I have no idea how that happened. That means it's still coming, it'll just be at a delay, whoopie.




Good to hear U is getting better!