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Hey all,

So I'm sure you've noticed I disappeared again for a week, truth is I haven't been feeling too hot these past few weeks. I've mentioned it in passing a couple of times already but didn't want to put focus on it because I was sure it was going to blow over and not be a huge issue.

Turns out it hasn't, I'm on the fourth week of feeling ill and I've since sought out a doctor to find out what is wrong with me. Had some blood tests done and apparently I have some form of viral infection. Now it should clear up by itself eventually. But last year a relative went through something similar and that ended up lasting months, and due to underlying health issues I am immunocompromised, so I really don't know how long this'll last.

The issues have kind of been waxing and waning over the past few weeks, with last week being especially bad. And I am also no longer going to work for the time being. Which I had hoped would clear up some more time to keep up my upload schedule. But as has become evident to everyone, that didn't exactly end up panning out.

If you're worried about me, don't be, I'm doing fine mostly. If you're sick of another delay in my uploads and only given excuses in return, get in line. Because I'm just as annoyed as you are.

This does mean that I will keep up this lowered upload pace for the foreseeable future unfortunately. On the upside I have been able to keep on working on larger projects and commissions behind the scenes. So for the time being I have been debating uploading some WiP's of that stuff to put the minds at ease who feel I may have abandoned them. But we'll see.

To talk a bit about today's upload though we are again revisiting another previously seen property. This time it's Star Trek's turn again, with another staple of the franchise given a spotlight; the ever-present Klingon, renowned for their martial prowess but in the show this mostly ends up being used as a way to show how tough others are. I believe this practice of using established "strong" characters as punching bags to prop others up has since been dubbed "the Worf effect", so named after a particular Klingon individual who received the brunt of this treatment in the series.

As a result of this renowned martial prowess, I made her rather fit looking, with some muscle definition showing through, and for once decided to display the backside, something a rarely do. (for shame)

And with the Klingon we also introduce another staple of scifi series aliens: the wrinkleheads. Somewhat similar to the tentacleheads, these Aliens are basically Humans in every way except for some fancy forehead ornaments.

But with this upload I am also announcing a short little break for our scifi gal sketch series, so I can spend some time building up a backlog of species and sketches again, as I'm beginning to run out. Don't fret though, as it will be replaced with an entirely different series of similar sketches in the meantime.

SoCarter out.




Get well soon!