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Hey all,

As promised, here's another quick sketch, now this one wasn't actually COMPLETELY done, still had to lay on some finishing touches despite what I said about the following uploads yesterday, but the one that'll come tomorrow actually is so it's all good.

I also didn't need to tell you guys and gals any of this because you weren't privy to this information before and would have naturally assumed this was the one that was already done just as I said. But with each upload being accompanied by increasingly long blogposts (and written smut now recently) I need to pad out the word-count somehow right?

Shitty self-deprecating jokey intros aside  we're here again to of course check out another alien lass from across the realms of pop-culture. And this time we've got, if memory serves me right, our first double-up as far as franchises are concerned, because here we see our third tentacle headed alien beauty, the Togruta, the second Alien species we'll explore from the Star Wars franchise.

This one, as a neat little tidbit, was part of the trio of alien gal sketches that lead to this entire project, and the last of the three to be uploaded.

I'll leave it up to you peeps to try and figure out which other two were also among the initial three. I may or may not have said so in both or either one of them, I don't actually remember myself.

Togruta are the slightly less well known tentaclehead from Star Wars, and unlike their Twi-lek "cousins" (they're not actually related) this species are not known for their beauty.

A bit unfair to them I'd say, I mean just look at this one.

SoCarter out.



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