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Today, the German Bundestag passed and approved the Self-Determination Act (Selbstbestimmungsgesetz) for transgender individuals. With the enactment of the Self-Determination Act regarding Gender Entry (SBGG), transgender, intersex, and non-binary individuals will find it easier to change their gender entry and first names.

This marks a significant advancement, as the previous regulations dating back to 1980 imposed not only financial but also legal obstacles on those seeking such changes.

As an artist actively involved in the transgender community and as someone who values and respects many transgender individuals, I believe this action by the German government is long overdue. I am excited to witness progress towards greater diversity, even in traditionally conservative Germany.




This is amazing news ! All i can say is Amen !


Thank you very much. :) I truly hope that over the years, more and more people will learn to accept that life is very diverse.


Thank you very much, but this is unfortunately not my achievement. However, I'm glad that this important step has finally been taken.