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Christina M Villa

If I didn't already love you guys, the White Collar reference put it over the top.

Christina M Villa

FYI, it was actually Reiss' eldest child, Frieda.


Is it known in the anime at this point that Levi and Mikasa are both Ackerman?? And do they know they have the same last name ????


LoL 😹😹 the whole time watching these episodes, when Erwin was there, I felt like he was singing in his mind: “This is my coup d'etat… HANDS UP!!” and then you actually said: “What G-Dragon episode” 😆😆


🤔🤔 so Flegel, interesting… my bets would be for GunWook and Nicole, but since you love F so much, it would have to be FunWook and Ficole… 😆😆


We will get to their dialogue about their surname, but if I remember correct it won’t be like: “Wait, so we are from the same family??” So… I don’t know when Levi found out about Mikasa’s surname, I guess for sure at the time when they started to work together at the end of the first season. But in case of Mikasa, she had to know Levi’s surname because of him being “THAT Levi Ackerman”. I would compare this to Korean surnames. Like when two people with surname Lee meet, they don’t assume: “Oh, are we family relatives?” But they know their families are from the same “clan” (as in Naruto for example 😅)


I knew it was her, but now rewatching it and knowing what will be happening in the future, for a moment I thought: “Is she seeing Eren?” 😎😎


OMG, JaeHyuk… in the first minute and something you basically described what this show is about 😅😅 I wanted to copy one comment of mine, where I recommended this show some time ago, but I’ll keep that for the future, because it could kind of spoil something to you. I mean, I didn’t spoil there anything, but based on your thoughts throughout this show, I have realized your thought process is really good, so I rather keep it for now… Regarding Annie… She will be gone for a LONG time, so I even forgot about this conversation of these two (the scene in the forest)😅😅 And I somehow assumed all of them there are aware of her being the female titan, but the Military Police is usually formed of not really smart people, who should mainly protect the king + take care of the life within the wall he lives in, so maybe they were just dumb or in general the Military Police wasn’t informed enough. Some words to your “spoiler talk”: . . . . Memories: 🤔🤔Let’s say memories will play a big role in this show. I mean, it’s not only I don’t want to spoil anything, but memories are one big topic of its own in this show, so we can have a proper discussion later on. Ackermans: I mentioned more in another comment here, so I’ll just say that PD is right. Mikasa was just shocked there is someone else with the same surname. Chapel: I love the new macOS “emojis” coming out so randomly, but at the end when Blaire shared her thoughts about the chapel, the timing was perfect 😹😹 It was basically like some AI in your computer was saying: “Yeah, that is correct!” Like the first one wasn’t on perfect timing, but the second totally and then with Blaire mentioning Annie’s crystals it was basically immediately after she said that 😆😆

Eyana Geda

make sure when you watch episode 49 you don't skip the ending...that's all I'll say lmao