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Here's that big commission I was working on.  ^_^  As a freebie I figured I'd include it, since I did inject Faun (the white furred minotaur character from my future project).   And with a WIP on this week's Rivet comic pages to tease them.   Currently working on finishing up coloring on this week's 4 pages so I can move onto shading.  No clue if I'll be able to get the set out tonight before I crash, but I've got a sickness to tend to right now so I might have to spend some time on that rather than wrapping this up.

Either way, look forward to it tomorrow afternoon at the latest!




Whoa, that's a crazy complex commission! Very good job on it~

zaperzero .

It was!! ^_^ I'm always doing commission works on the side and this one was an absolute trip to put together.