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Oh man, this one ended up being a lot of fun with the contrast of the light on the stage and the darkness of the foreground!  I really wanted to include some of the actual audience since I don't usually have time to include them in public-setting images.  The angle just ended up being perfect for a couple of characters in the foreground, and I felt like it would make it look like you are at the bar, watching the show too!

Also, now that this is finished, I can focus on getting the next page(s) of Off-Limits! to you guys soon!  After all, Dakota still needs to watch two more girls pee!  How else will she remember what she's not allowed to do?  She's so excited she's dancing --- and crying!  XD


(I also wrote a little blurb for this image kind-of like a radio commercial!  I hope you enjoy the fruits of my degree in advertising!)

It's Ladies' Night at the bar, and you know what that means!  Two girls go head-to-head in an on-stage holding contest for the entertainment of all the other women in attendance!  They split a gallon of peach tea, suck their halves down, strip off at least their bottoms, and perform everyone's favorite dance until we get to see all that peach tea again!

The winner takes not only the porcelain throne (provided she can make it past all the hammered patrons who are having so much fun watching her squirm) , but also the adoration of her peers!  ...And the following week of free drinks at the bar might have something to do with it, too.

This week's GAL-lon Chug-a-thon pits a bold biker "bitch" (hey, her words, not mine!) against a blonde bikini babe in this traditional bladder-busting battle.  Who will take home the gold by holding in her own liquid gold the longest?  

Our blonde's got a strong resume of poolside bikini-model shoots where the sun is hot, the girls are hotter, and heavy hydration is a must!  Pee breaks?  In that nasty off-set porta-potty?  No thank you!  All the ladies may be outside enjoying the pool, but her pee stays inside until she's on a real toilet!

And our biker ain't no slacker either!  With literal hundreds of miles in the summer heat under her belt --- all of them decked out in heavy gear (gotta stay safe, you know) --- the girl knows how to get her eight-glasses-a-day...  And let's just say she blows past that milestone as fast as she puts asphalt behind her!  The catch?  Her ass is glued to the seat of her bumpy bobber until she gets to where she's going  --- and all that pee gets a free tour of states!




Honestly, that’s like a 1:1 depiction of the scene I had in my head! I’ll be suggesting this setting in the future for sure! Thanks!