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Blake took small sips from her glass of water. The sun warmed her skin through the living room window, and she felt a gentle breeze swirl around her from the open window to her side. As she sat on a chair close to the window to rest her sore feet, she watched Lewis tending to the plants and flowers in their garden. She had planted them all, but after being pregnant for nearly seven months, he was doing more of the physical work for her. 

Each move he made showed his care and dedication to making things grow and flourish, just like the baby girl growing in Blake’s womb. At the same time, in the distance, Kelly was just disappearing from view. She had gone for her daily jog. After her broken bones finally healed, she was starting to really get back into light exercising. Sure, she wasn’t at her peak, but she would be able to get there eventually now that she was actually able to run again. 

Resting her glass on a nearby table, Blake leaned back and propped her feet up. Her hands naturally gravitated to her round belly. The gentle kicks and movements from within were constant reminders of the new life growing inside her. As she thought about her journey - her transformation into a woman, her marriage to Lewis - she was overwhelmed by how content and happy she felt.

“I can’t believe how things have changed,” she whispered upon taking another sip of water. Blake's excitement about becoming a stay at home mother could be seen in every inch of the nursery as well. She had spent days choosing the right shades of paint for the walls. She went with a soft shade of blue, one that reminded her of a clear, sunny sky. Kelly helped pick out some of the baby toys, while Lewis made sure everything was fully stocked with what they needed.

They were an actual family now, and it brought a tear to Blake’s eye. After formally adopting her new pronouns and truly becoming Lewis’ wife, she was afraid that Kelly would abandon them. She was afraid that she would push them away. Kelly had grown up knowing Blake in a different light as a guy. Blake was worried about how this shift would impact the bond they shared. The fear of rejection from someone she cared so deeply about gnawed at her, especially in the early days following her decision to finally reveal her relationship with her stepdad. 

She would often find herself lost in thought, questioning if she had made the right choice, especially if it meant potentially losing a cherished relationship. Even when Blake revealed everything, she could tell there was a look of anger in Kelly’s eyes. However, Lewis and Blake made it a point to keep the lines of communication open with Kelly. They organized family outings, movie nights, and even weekend trips, ensuring that Kelly felt included every step of the way. Over time, the apprehension faded, making way for acceptance. Now, life was only getting better for the three of them.

The sound of footsteps interrupted Blake's thoughts. She looked up to see Lewis making his way towards her, his face glowing from the sun and hard work. Taking the empty seat beside Blake, he reached out and took her hand while they stared out of the window. By then, Kelly was just coming back, and the smile on Blake’s face said it all. Their fingers intertwined, and the world seemed to pause.

As they sat together, hand in hand, they both realized how every choice they made had led to this beautiful moment. They were surrounded by love, anticipation, and the promise of new beginnings. The challenges and changes in their lives had only strengthened their bond. And in that moment, life couldn't have felt more perfect.



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