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“How’s this?” Bess asked Laura. Tonight, they were stepping out together with a group of friends, and picking out outfits was always hard for the two of them. She had already given Laura the okay for her green skirt and skimpy white tank top, but Bess was having a harder time trying to match. “I decided to add black boots instead of those sneakers too. I figured it matches way better.”

Laura stood at the edge of their shared living room, leaning against the doorframe, her eyes locked onto her best friend Bess. Ever since Bess had let her move in, she had a hard time keeping her eyes off her. She was worried that she was starting to get a crush on her, but she definitely didn’t want to try anything out. Not yet, anyway – she didn’t want to risk ruining the chance for a decent place to rent. “You look amazing!” Bess was twirling in front of a full-length mirror, the green of her dress catching the light. The dress accentuated her figure, enhancing her natural beauty and newfound confidence. A smile danced on Laura's lips, a wave of admiration washing over her as she watched Bess. “I honestly don’t think you need to swap anything out. Where’d you get that dress, by the way? Is it new? Did you get it on your trip?”

Bess nodded proudly. “I picked it up when I was in Europe a few weeks ago. I was going to try getting you one too, but this was the only one left. The Italian guy didn’t know what I was saying. I wanted to at least order it to get shipped.”

“It’s alright,” Laura laughed. “You wear that way better than me.” 

Since Bess had decided to take a break from school to travel the world and enjoy life, Laura had seen a remarkable change in her best friend's demeanor. School had been a strenuous time for Bess, pushing her to the brink of her emotional capacity. It didn’t help that her two uncles and grandparents had died a year ago – that didn’t make things easier. Now, the timid girl who once carried a cloud of anxiety around her had blossomed into a confident young woman who navigated life with a sense of purpose and assurance. It also helped that she apparently received a massive inheritance from a dead relative, so it wasn’t like money was going to be an issue any time soon.

Laura admired how Bess held herself now, the air of confidence that had replaced the habitual self-consciousness. Bess was no longer just following along; she was taking the lead in everything they did. Whether it was deciding where to eat, what movie to watch, or even choosing their weekend activities, Bess was at the helm.

As Laura watched Bess twirl once more, she couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. Not too long ago, she was the outgoing friend, the one who was always brimming with confidence, taking control, and leading the way. But now, the roles had reversed. Yet, any feelings of envy were short-lived. They melted away as she caught sight of Bess' eyes in the mirror. They shone brightly, filled with a fierce determination and a zest for life that Laura had never seen before.

Sure, their roles had shifted, but Laura realized that she was witnessing something incredibly special - her best friend's transformation. She understood that this was Bess' time to shine, to seize control, and to overcome her past.

As they headed out that night, Laura's heart filled with joy. They may have been on their way to meet cute guys at the local bar, but Laura was more focused on enjoying this moment with her best friend, especially when she felt her soft, warm hand holding on to her own. Laura couldn’t hide her blushing face, and Bess had given her a knowing smile without saying anything.

Laura found comfort in this thought, realizing that their friendship was possibly evolving into something greater – maybe they wouldn’t have to do any flirting with anybody at the bar. As they stepped out into the vibrant night, ready to paint the town red, Laura took one last glance at Bess and felt a surge of pride for her. The unfortunate thing was that she would never know that her friend wasn’t who she seemed to be, and that the real Bess would forever stare aimlessly from her retirement home balcony as they walked by.



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