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And she hasn't gotten in the pool yet! I think that this doctor must not like getting wet very much...! ;P

Well! It looks like she's already getting her arms in though...! Alright, first things first, I formally apologize for the easy and lame joke from the previous paragraph. Yeah, you know! This is serious stuff, I mean, this is a scientific experiment, this heroic doctor has become the irrefutable proof that a symbiosis between fish and human is possible...! Yep, yep, totally scientifically accurate stuff... Alright so, here we have a continuation for this fishy transformation! It seems that finally, the doctor's colleague has managed to tear off her clothes with her permission, and the doctor is finally ready to take a bath while she waits for her long-awaited antidote!

What will happen from now on...? Will he find the antidote? And if he finds it, will it take effect...? Will the doctor even still want the antidote once she sees that being a female anthro wereshark rules...? We'll see what happens! ;D




"It's not the formula. I'm...secretly...a furry..."