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For those of you who were patrons in the Fall, you will (hopefully, fondly) recall Pilot Season. I'm going to continue making "pilots" but I hope in a more efficient way. The last week of the month, I'll post packages for stories I've been kicking around. These will be a mix of prose, stills, transformations, etc. And if there is enough interest, it gets green lit and moved to full comic production!



FMG, Size Comparison, Women with Swords, Amazons, Futanari (maybe). Friends to Lovers, Exploring Transformed Body, Bisexuality

Heavily influenced by Witcher and Claymore.

Young women are trained and transformed to become fierce monster hunting amazonians. When a hunter is confronted by her past, she must choose between her humanity and her duty as a monster-hunter.

In a fantasy world just at the edge of civilizations, and order of women stand guard against the hunger wilds and those things that prowl in the night: The Order of the Long Blade. No one knows for certain why or how the amazonian Wardens of the order choose their new recruits, but they do so blind to race, creed, or social standing. They are often torn from their families or already strays. The training and rituals recruits undertake to become Wardens is devastating, and few survive.

When the young friends, Fiona and Elyon, discovered the Order would be coming for Fiona, they did everything in their power to stop it; to no avail. And in the years apart, Fiona and Elyon took very different life paths. For Fiona, she not only survived the trials but excelled--becoming the strongest and most powerful Warden the Order had seen in years. Elyon, on the other hand found his aptitude for magic would lead him to becoming a sheltered scholar. Yet their paths were fated to cross once more when Elyon discovered a secret that could bring their very society to its knees. Hunted, the inexperienced mage finds his only ally is his old friend, Fiona, though he's not certain he can trust the ruthless killer she has become...

What do you think? Spark your interest?




I like where this idea is going!