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As you can see, In this roleplay, Goro and Squint are playing stepfather/son. They are in the sanctuary and the gazelle want to help them to get along and understand each other's feelings, using their sexual energy.

Well, gazelle is giving them a very special blowjob >:3 also the blue rope appear again!.

HOnestly I'm having a lot of fun drawing those pages. Father and son tied and receiving a head  plus goro controlling his impulses is super fun >:3

I'll post the ink of the 6 comic pages of the month soon!




A good threesome


Thank you! Ah gazelle is swallowing cum and licking his fingers. In the next panel he's touching Goro's chest with the other hand ^^


These pages look amazing. The interactions between Goro and Gazelle are going to kill me XD PS. I don't understand the 3rd page, Gazelle is licking the fingers of his right hand and then touches Goro's chest with his left hand??