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I've finished the 6 comic pages and I've sent them to the December gold patrons, please check your patreon inbox!

Also all the current pages (and old rewards) are available in the tag section at the top of the page's timeline: 


Well, the year is going to end and I must say some words.

I'm really glad I'm drawing my two comics and all is thanks to your support! thanks a lot!

Both comics will be finished in 2023 and then I'll start doing shorter comics and I'll back to do animations <3

Both comics are in a interesting point and I can't wait to show you all what's going to happen next!


I wish you all a great new year, See you in 2023!!!!



Happy holidays and happy New Year!! 🥂


Happy New Year!! Will the comics end in 2023? Isn't it too early for the missing NMK stories?? The stories of Buffalo, Goro + Zebras and Gazelle were not missing?? Or will they be ultra short??


The stories of the rest of the crew will be shorter because the rhythm of the comic will increase the closer to the end. However I'll continue exploring different character's dynamics. Also those new stories must feel like an evolution of the previous ones. The point is that I want to make feel the readers that the situations are more frenetic and keep it interested until the final twist.