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Enough time has passed since the release of the 0.915 update, and it's time to summarize, first, the results of the vote, and secondly, to tell about what was done this week. Therefore, without further ado and preface - Weekly News #52.

What you have just seen is the voting results as of March 8, 2021. It have set a certain development vector for the 0.916 version, and one thing is certain - the update will be packed with event. In addition to the plot, new events will be added, related to the real estate agency, Hitomi, randomized NPCs, club of occultism and its development, as well as just random events (mostly, of course, 18+). In addition, at the moment there is also another goal - to improve the technical part of the game. We are already dealing with the latter, which can be seen in the hot fixes for the 0.915 version, but there are still many other bugs that we intend to find and fix. You can help us if you wish by telling us about them in any of the available sources of communication with us: discord, personal messages in patreon, email, as well as in the comments below this post, and we will correct them.

In general, from what has been done so far, the only difference is the improvement of the technical part and the creation of a certain plan, according to which we will make content for the new version. It's too early to say or promise anything yet. All we can say is that events will be significantly added, there will be more 18+ content and opportunities to use and improve existing attributes, relationships with characters, get money and much, much more with the help of these very events, so all that remains is to wait and wish us a good imagination, which, fortunately, we have not been deprived of recently. The next development news will be released on February 15, so you will soon learn a little more about the upcoming update.


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