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Over the past time, many biographies of various length have been written: 70 biographies in general, 50 female and 20 male ones; about 12,000 words overall. Not that big for a month, as some might think, but each biography influences the character traits, as well as participation in clubs and gender. They are divided into three levels of proficiency: 1 level - when you are an acquaintance, 2 level - when you are a friend and, accordingly, 3 level - when you are a close friend. 

In addition,  the same main menu from the previous Weekly News has been added to the game. It has animation in tabs when closing and opening, and is in fact a fully functional variation of the previous menu, but with one caveat - sorting methods and the favorites menu are not yet added, and will be updated in the remaining week before the update.  

We fixed some known bugs that I was sent information about: for example, if you are communicating with NPCs in the Park, you will no longer have tabs that don't click.

I also want to report another news that happened this week: the person who worked on the interface has left and now only one developer is working on the main game in general. Fortunately, one person has just been hired for making the first original sprites of the game: Sad Man. Perhaps by the next update we will have sprites of our own with appearance generation, or perhaps later. What was it written for? As you can see from the early versions of the game, I'm not much of a designer, but this time it will be much easier - the game will use ready-made developments with some upgrades. In general, there are no problems with this, but there will be less content in the updates, since all the work again fell on one person: the code, the text, the interface design, the mechanics, the system, and everything else. For example, this update will be released a little later than expected, but still this month, since I also need to translate it into English.  

Am I going to give up game development for such a small thing? 

If you go deeper into the history of our team, you can understand that this is not the first time this has happened. No doubt, I was a bit sad, but I will not stop developing the game as long as there are people who actively support it financially, as well as morally in the game's discord channel, in which I have answered this question many times. 


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