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First of all - 0.905 update features more game additions compared to 0.904 (less technical stuff and mechanics). In this update we have the usual technical fixes, improvements, and expansion of the game base and its functionality. For example, this update adds utility to another element: you can finally use money, especially to buy food, which will fill your satiety and thus restore energy better during sleep, so you can interact with the world without limits. Well, now, perhaps, let's move on to the main changes for this week.

What was done/added/changed?

The store has been changed. Now it has several categories of products that are sorted by the needs of the player, but the main thing that has changed is AutoFill and spending available for purchase products. Now each product has a weekly purchase limit, and NPCs can buy them every day, so be careful and buy your products in advance!

Cooking has once again been improved and refined! This time, it adds the "auto-feeding" function and a recipe book. Also, this menu has finally been translated

Last but not least, there is a change in the statistics interface, which can now be accessed via the corresponding icon on your phone from any location.


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