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Buckle up, Whovians! Join us in the TARDIS for a BONUS MEGA episode revisiting our greatest Doctor Who hits! From 158 - History of the Timelords to 32 - Best Doctor Who Villain and 30 - Best Doctor Who Companions, we're bringing it all back. Special guests Sterling Gates, Stephen Schleicher, and Matthew Peterson add their sonic insights. Get ready for a timey-wimey journey through the best of Geek History Lesson! 



Cody Enos

The Doctor lasting only 3 seasons per regeneration is an interesting topic. There is a part of me that wants someone to challenge 4ths tenure, even surpass it, but I don’t think that’s possible for Modern Who simply because of how long it takes to produce a season. Jodie only had 3, but she was the Doctor for 5 years. Capaldi and Smith were both 4 years. I guess Tennent would be the closest if you combine 10 and 14. I feel like Modern Who has a waiting game attached to their seasons now that their budgets are bigger and their episodes fewer that it offsets the excitement for a long running Doctor.


Have you watched the new Special with David Tennant returning? Would love to know how you feel about a Doctor coming back in that format.