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We found another bad list full of characters SOMEONE thinks is Asgardian and debate whether or not they should join the MCU!



Adam Grunther

Aside from the Enchantress, one Asgardian that I really want to see in the MCU is Cul Borson (AKA The Serpent). He’s Odin’s older brother and the God of Fear. I know having Thor go up against his uncle would be a bit repetitive seeing how he already fought two family members who served as the villains of his movies, but I think there’s still a lot you can do there and having him can really bring Thor back to his Shakespearean inspired roots. With him being the God of Fear you could also have a lot of horror elements that hadn’t really been seen in the Thor movies beforehand. The mid credits scene of Love and Thunder even talks about the gods not being feared by the people anymore. I think that’s a great way of introducing Serpent if Zeus or Hercules aren’t the villains in the next film. I’d also have the character played by Jeremy Irons.