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Hi guys!

Here we are again. I honestly don't have a lot to say today. I'm excited for your requests again. I think you know I try to get to more than one but I won't make promises. But I am always delighted by your ideas! I'm trying to figure out a way to still deliver some monster content to you guys, which is a bit complicated since I am not allowed to like... link directly to sites with content that is against ToS? So I don't know, it's all so complicated. I will make a Discord channel about it. If you're not on Discord maybe it's time to make an account.  If you have other ideas how I can share it you can also message me though, I am happy for any help with that. 

And oh yeah, I'll make a merch post tomorrow, if you have been wondering. Totally unrelated I know, sorry XD Okay, now to the thread itself. 

This thread is open for a week, so you have seven days to add your request or support for an idea. Next week I’ll pick one or two at random again and go to work. 

So here’s how it works:

You comment with an idea you have, a sfw or nsfw request for a character or ship in a situation or scene. Or just as a pin-up, whatever you'd want to see. Fandom ships or pairings, my OCs and monsters and all that is allowed, just not other ppls OCs. The requests don't work like commissions, so I might veer from the original idea a bit, change things up or whatever comes into my mind. The requests are picked randomly. If your request did not get picked last time you can just resubmit the one from a different month as well, if you don't feel inspired or are just very into an idea you had!
If you don't have your own thing but you love somebody elses idea you can enter a recommendation by just commenting on somebody elses request instead of entering your own. With words or emojis or whatever. Just so I can enter your name in the pool.

Additional details:

If you are in the Squire(2€) and Free Lancer(4€) tier you can leave either one request or one recommendation.
If you are in the Knight (5€) and Violet/Grand Knight (10€) tier you get one additional request or recommendation. Which gives you two, so nothing really changes for you either.
If you are in the last tier, the Knight Commander tier, you get an additional request or recommendation. So you can enter three comments, either your own ideas or recommendations of other ppls ideas.

Thanks already for all your prompts, Can't wait to get to them!
Take care and stay safe



I remember you mentioning something about titty sucking refs and not enough time, so halsin/tav with halsin going ham on tav's tits


also more titty sucking - jask sucking on geralt's tits