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Are you looking for inspiration to get started on your next Minecraft build? You’ve come to the right place! I´m here to provide you with monthly project ideas to get you inspired. From castles and villages to intricate builds, we have something for everyone.

1 An underground city beneath a mountain

2 A grand castle with spiraling turrets

3 An enchanted forest with whimsical mushrooms and strange creatures

4 A replica of the Guggenheim Museum

5 A massive game of Chess complete with life-size pieces

6 An archaeological dig site

7 A Mayan temple with hidden traps

8 A suspension bridge linking two cliffs

9 A replica of the Eiffel Tower

10 A lighthouse with a rotating beam of light

11 An intergalactic space station with stars and planets

12 An ancient coliseum for epic gladiator battles

13 An old English Victorian-style manor

14 An underwater base

15 A hedge maze filled with puzzles

16 An enormous sandcastle

17 An observatory with telescopes and star charts

18 A large lake spanned by a drawbridge

19 An abandoned church graveyard

20 An ice cream parlor made entirely out of snow and ice

21 An ice cream truck garage with drive-thru window

22 A secret hideout complete with hidden doors and compartments

23 A magical tea house with a winding path of tea lights

24 A fast food restaurant with drive thru window

25 A university campus filled with classrooms, libraries, and lecture halls

26 An outdoor movie theatre complete with actors and props

27 A mini-golf course with castles, dragons, and mini water hazards

28 An amusement park filled with roller coasters and thrill rides

29 A hot air balloon park complete with bumpy rides in the sky

30 A bee farm buzzing with activity

31 A sprawling vineyard showcasing different types of grapes, fruits, and wines

32 A waterpark complete with slides, pools, and eateries

33 A train station built out of wooden planks and bricks

34 A pirate ship filled with cannons and treasure chests

35 A medieval dungeon filled with danger and mystery

36 A bridge across an abyss filled with lava

37 A submerged shipwreck to explore

38 A zoo that offers interactive exhibits for visitors

39 A snow-covered mountain fortress

40 A Mars-like terrain littered red rocks and craters

41 A giant treehouse in the middle of a lush forest

42 An underwater cavern connected to a sunken shipwreck from pirates of the past

43 A shopping mall that houses all the newest goods

44 A temple perched on top of a giant rockface

45 A grand casino that is open night and day

46 A picturesque lighthouse overlooking crashing waves onto the shore

47 A haunted house filled with ghosts and ghouls

48 A candy store filled up to the ceiling with sweet treats

49 An active volcano spewing lava in the background

50 A tropical beach resort full of sandy fun

51 An abandoned mine shaft full of secrets and riches

52 A houseboat floating on a peaceful lake

53 An observatory studying distant stars in space

54 A laboratory where strange experiments are conducted

55 An aqueduct providing water to entire city

56 An active volcano providing valuable ore deposits

57 An observatory exploring unseen galaxies beyond ours

58 A factory churning out custom-built goodies

59 An igloo made completely out of snow

60 A theme park packed with exciting rides

61 An abandoned Manor full of mystery and surprises

62 A castle hidden beneath cascading waterfalls

63 A grassy meadow for wildflower picking

64 A castle made entirely out of candy and confectionery

65 Spiraling windmills standing tall beside a mountain

66 An underwater observatory for observing curious sea creatures

67 An inscrutable lighthouse illuminating a small island

68 An airport stretching far beyond its hangars

69 An enchanted forest surrounded by mythical creatures

70 A park full of trees sculpted into incredible shapes

71 A majestic waterfall cascading down into an emerald river below

72 A towering spire overlooking an entire city

73 A suspended glass bridge spanning between two mountain peaks

74 An enchanted castle full of corridors full of cloaked monsters

75 A hidden sky-high tower filled to the brim with secrets

76 A mysterious seaside temple admired by all who pass by it

77 A bustling marketplace bustling with merchants selling exotic items

78 Musical instruments scattered in an orchestral garden

79 Twelve sacred temples representing topics from around the world

80 An eerie clock tower counting down as time slips by

81 Frail bridges connecting small islands in the sea

82 Wildlife havens tucked away from unwanted visitors

83 Deep underground labyrinths awaiting discovery

84 Whimsical homes nestled in the hillsides

85 Monorail zooming through the skies above

86 Planetariums for exploring the night sky

87 Luxurious cruise ships exploring uncharted waters

88 Houses crafted from jagged rocks dotted along a beach

89 Gigantic temples that have been carved from mountainsides

90 Starry observatories for peering up into the night sky

91 Mysterious spaceships docked far away from civilization

92 Nightclubs that light up dark skies like beacons

93 Sky bridges connecting tall towers together

94 Giants’ beds tucked away deep into forests

95 Vineyards overlooking sprawling fields

96 Buried treasured waiting to be unearthed

97 Medieval villages lingering around old castles

98 Sparkling pyramids that glisten in starlight

99 Subterranean cities illuminated by eerie firefly lights

100 Hidden gemstone caves never before seen by humankind



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