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Thank you so much for letting me have time to prepare/produce this kinda content. 🙏 I wish things could be straight forward but it never is easy. Then again if life was easy then would it be half as fun when it's good? Anyway, enough of the feels. Come check out my butt. I love the way I look when I'm in this position because hips for days. Grab on 😉

Pass of the words: Draw

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Gamer Chair Booty



It's that time of the month again bois!


This is hypnotic 😵‍💫


Holy shit! Blessed with 2 Audios (+2 Alternate Endings for one) AND the IRL Video on TOP in just 1 day. My arm is going to fall off but it is worth it. :D Thanks for the great Work dude! Just take the time you need and dont overwork yourself!


Dat butt, dem hips, absolute purrrfection Dude, 👌😤 On the topic of vices, I know you don’t really do alcomohol due to your ticker, but what would be one of your's? If I may be so bold.

DemonHeart Rimuru

Ass so perfect it looks animated, love it


Gaming is my vice! Or Cola! Or work... I have a weird addiction to work... almost finished the event for this year... and it's 7 months away LOL. Then I work on 2025 event. Then when that's done work backwards to 2024's event... then... another secret event... planned and ahhh work 😩


Hahaha, I knew you were a workaholic but holy gad daym, you busy little bean you, 😆 Welp, if anything this should help buy plenty of cola, pwup, 😉


This is the first of these I'm seeing. I opened it just to get a hint and now I'm gonna have to work for the rest of the day while trying not to think about those hips. Rock on Dude.


Damn Dude has a nice ass, I want to play with it like a pair of bongos!


After today's audio feast, you give us cake for dessert. Spoiled is an understatement now. I'm stuffed. *pats belly*


I know you’ve got your schedules to go by, but if you reach a point where you’re feeling overloaded, hyper stressed, or worn while doing your work, don’t feel like you need to rush to complete it at get it out to us. Your babies will understand that mommy needs to rest for a moment. We’ll always be here 💙🤍🖤


Thank you for such kind words, I just don't want to let anyone down and not get value for their money. Thankfully the schedule issues are all fixed on this side of the internet. Just have to do fansly tomorrow then I'm completly caught up and can rest up ❤


Girl all your past content keeps me busy also lol don’t trip at all. All your previous asmr/tingle audios help me pass out just as well as the new ones you release, and I’ve been getting my moneys worth since 2020 queen. You do not need to worry. Plus, you aren’t a bitch of a creator when it comes to scheduling and releasing, AND you meet the same quirky, meme tier wave lengths as your fans. You’ve got our support until the day you die, madam.


The handlebars on them hips don't lie💅




Absolutely worth the tier upgrade, just sad I didn't do it sooner! Thanks for all the amazing content, here and fansly and everywhere, you're a legendary creator.


Bruh I just nutted to the moth girl audio to fml there’s not enough nut for all these audios!! Also side bare hope you feel better don’t forgot to stop and appreciate all the work you do grind never stops but don’t forget to stop by and smell the flowers every now and then you feel me? 👌 👌


Thank you for the wonderful view. But yes, do take your time and sort things out as you need to. We all have our ups and downs and we understand that. The content you make never disappoints as you are one of a kind and we're here for you.



Juan Espinola

GYATT😩. Anyways keep cool friend take your time and easy


You are absolutely incredible. Please take the time to take care of yourself amongst your busy schedule. I hope you're doing well



