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This is the free set of this months 'Into The Wilds' maps. The Into the Wilds maps are intended to be simpler & more generic than my regular sets and are perfect to drop in for random encounters when on the road or for when the party takes an unexpected turn and you want to be prepared. They are also completely free! Patrons get access to high resolution versions and extra variants.

This months Into the Wilds theme is Rural as voted for by Adventurer tier Patrons.

Water Mill - After the Windmill was destroyed this small family watermill became vital to the town. It may only have a single grindstone, but its is still substantially faster than grinding the wheat by hand and can run at all hours of the day. Everyone is hoping there are no more droughts this summer.

Druid's Henge - These large standing stones were placed on the hilltop thousands of years ago, and have been maintained every since by the same tribe of druids. They gather here at each full moon to conduct rituals and ceremonies, many of which seem incredibly strange to outsiders, but they are happy to invite others to join.

Carnival - The carnival has come to town! Set up in a clearing in the woods just along the main road, the carnival promises fun and delights for the whole family. There are games to test your skill, shows to entertain and mystics to read your future.

Circus Tent - The main draw of the carnival is the big top circus tent. Every evening a wondrous show is put on with acrobatics, magicians, music, poetry and much more! Many townsfolk will visit multiple times as the show is somehow different every night.

Use the link at the bottom of this post to download all of the free versions of these maps.

GRID SIZE - 22x17inch (140DPI)
PIXEL SIZE - 3080x2380



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