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Hi all, Keo here! 

It's been a while since the last post, so I'll likely repeat some of what I've already written previously. With Day 2 done, I took some time off from writing updates to focus on some other things around the VN, but now, with writing for the side story all done, I'm already back at writing the new update with Day 3, with new content for multiple routes. 

The side story is currently released as a sneak peek - it's already a full standalone VN, but as it is right now it lacks some assets - there are only a few tracks I recorded without real instruments, as I don't have access to these right now, and there are no illustrations whatsoever. These are already commissioned, but unfortunately I don't have an estimate for when they'll be done - should be within a few months. It's a collaboration with a new artist whose name I don't want to give you yet before at least one illustration is ready, but I can tell you that I am very excited for it. 

For now, the side story will remain a sneak peek before the v1.0 build with all the illustrations is ready. Then, as with the main VN updates, it'll be released on itch.io after a month. 

I took some time to go through Day 1 and fix some inconsistencies and writing issues - there isn't a lot of changes, apart from a largely rewritten intro section, but it should read nicer now. I'll upload the revised build soon, before the new update. During the last month I also refined my ideas for the routes, so some (but not many) of the details you might remember from the current content might no longer be accurate, but more on that later, once the new build is out. 

I don't yet have the new batch of CDs with the soundtrack ready, I'm sorry about that. I hope to record some more music before I release it again, but as I mentioned, for now I don't have my instruments with me. 

Thank you for your support! 
