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Hi all!

I wanted to say I'm extremely thankful for all of you who play our game, and for those who support us. Knowing that our work is appreciated feels truly incredible.

As you probably heard, Putin started an invasion on Ukraine earlier this week. The situation is tragic and the news from both Ukraine and Russia heartbreaking. It's hard not to be concerned about the future of Europe right now, and the last few days were incredibly stressful for us here. None of the team members are from Ukraine or were personally affected by the invasion yet, thankfully, but most of us are living in a bordering country and are watching the situation unfold with a grave concern.

Due to this and a few more unforseen personal events (seems like a constant barrage of bad news lately, doesn't it?) we're a bit behind with the work on the latest update (Lake+Jorgen). Having said that, I'll be working on it today and on Sunday and hope to release it before the end of the week.

Stay safe and best wishes to all of you,



stay safe💙


Very much appreciate the transparency as always from you guys. Stay safe