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Hi all, Keo here!

I'm coming back to you with the overdue Mikko update. I ended up not only adding new scenes (roughly half of Day 2 content, again), but also reworking a lot of earlier content too, so if you're playing Mikko route make sure to start from the beginning. I modified a few key scenes to change the pacing of the story a bit, expanded a few sections and in one case rewritten a scene completely. Don't worry, though; Mikko is still the same cute wolf as he was and I'm sure you'll enjoy the rewrites.

Unfortunately Bakemonoy is busy lately and he couldn't draw any illustrations for us in December; instead we got one from hq, to one of the newly expanded scenes in Day 1, after dinner.

- New content for Mikko (roughly half of Day 2)
- Changes and rewrites for Day 1 (including completely rewritten scene after lunch and much expanded scene with Mikko after dinner)
- New track by Lesli (Hop-Skip and the Chewtoys)
- New animation by hq
- New illustration with Mikko by hq

Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1dgsFHpwV9xjbZtUhDxPvOCTa3k6lJHyr?usp=sharing



MIKO!! I'm so excited to see what you've made for us ಥ‿ಥ


Apparently there's a problem with Android build - I'll make another in a few hours, hopefully that will solve the issue.


Do we just delete the old Dawn Chorus file? How do updates work on this?


You can download, unpack and run the new build, your saves will be there already. You can delete the old files if you want!


Just started a Mikko run the other day, looking forward to this!

Trevor Sizzle

Spolier? Maybe? idk.. But Mikko Has that same feeling about Torulf that I do.


I dunno, Torulf is kind of a ho (I say that with love), but I don’t think he has bad intentions. Hilariously, it’s a very similar situation to how I met my husband… I was Torulf in that scenario 🙃


Is there any kind of roadmap as far as future updates go? Do we get to know who is focused on in the next update? Either way I already can’t wait for it!


Im kinda mad at myself for finding this game so early in its creation. Its hard to wait for more content