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★Intuitive Powers - Inner Voice Awakening★

Buried deep within each and every one of us, there is an instinctive, heartfelt awareness that provides—if we allow it to—the most reliable guide as to whether or not our actions are really in the long-term interests of ourselves, our planet and all the life it supports.

We need to listen more to the common sense emanating from our hearts. Your intuition, sometimes referred to as your inner #guidance, is a mechanism of inner or instinctive knowing which neither requires, nor employs logical thought processes. It is an alternative source of knowledge, level of awareness, or as some refer to it, an inner voice. We all possess this mechanism to varying degrees, as well as the capacity to develop it further.

Intuition is a basic psychological function that mediates perception in an unconscious way. Intuition is also a means of creative self-expression, especially in the worlds of art, music and literature. Nor, is it restricted to the creative arts. Many have achieved remarkable success in the fields of science, business and entrepreneurship, often amassing great fortune and fame due to their abilities to make important decisions by following 'hunches', or intuitive, 'gut feelings'.

Intuition is ultimately your connection to the #subconscious mind. It is how the subconscious mind communicates with the conscious mind. This is why it's such an amazing source of creative power, wisdom and understanding. It transcends the realms of experience or reasoning. Developing your intuition is like learning any new skill. The more you practice, the better you get at it. As with any new exercise or routine you're not used to, start off slowly and gradually build your "intuitive muscles." Quiet your mind and listen.

Take time each day to experience silence. Practice calming your mind by using whatever breathing or meditative technique you prefer. Let go of the inclination to think, or analyze, and try to know everything. Be open and listen. Let your thoughts roam and be open to the ideas and solutions that come to you. When you listen to your intuition it connects you with a greater knowledge. Pay attention and be aware. In order to increase your intuitive abilities you must pay attention to what is going on around you.

The more data and information you absorb from your environment, the more your subconscious mind has to work with when you have to make an important decision. Since your intuition uses the information gathered by the conscious mind, the more you have available, the better the solution. Likewise, knowledge and understanding gleaned from experience contribute to the quality of insight provided by your intuition.

Other types of intuition reveal themselves in thought flashes or inspiration. The key is to take notice. The more you pay attention, the more of them you will experience. If you've ever ignored your intuition and then had to deal with unpleasant ensuing circumstances, you know what it feels like.  To prevent such mishaps, make sure to pay attention to the tiny hints and clues you receive.

This Unique Quadified Concoction is designed to awaken, develop & strengthen your intuitive powers while unleashing your creativity & imagination connecting you with your subconscious & uncovering hidden truths about yourself and situations in your life. By being in touch with your intuition, you prevent the buildup of negative emotions and thinking.

The formula also contains healing vibrations for Quartz crystals, Herkimer diamonds, Amethyst, Selenite, Moonstone, Lapis lazuli, Celestite, Angelite, Sodalite & Smoky quartz all energetically programmed to awaken and empower your intuitive capabilities.


To Receive the maximum benefits from this formula, make sure there are no disturbances when listening, sit or relax in a peaceful quiet place and close your eyes, focus on your breath while transitioning into a meditative state.

*Results Will Vary




*While Belief is very important, please make sure to drink plenty of pure water to maximize the effects of the frequencies.

*All Quadible creations are backed by pure love energy, LOVE is the most powerful vibration in the YOU-niverse.

