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“Do you think we’re getting close?” Diagora whined.

“We have to be! This place can’t be that big! Come on, this way!” Abby chirped as she took a sharp right.

Diagora grumbled but followed after her. Abby was the more experienced adventurer, after all! ...though, so far that seemed to mostly be going rather unfavorably.

As they walked deeper and deeper into the lair, the sconces along the walls all suddenly extinguished. Left in the dark, Abby fumbled for a second before Diagora grabbed her by the arm.

“Hey! Who turned out the lights?”

“Don’t worry. I can sort of see in the dark.” Diagora peered forward. Sort of was right. She could make out some latent magic in the stoneworks, in the air itself, and her draconic heritage allowed her an almost supernatural sight.

While guiding Abby forward as best she could, even that failed. A sudden rush of darkness overcame both girls, and they truly found themselves lost in the dark.

Diagora stopped dead. Abby bumped right into her. “Hey! Why’d you stop, is there something ahead?”

Diagora fidgeted. It was the first time she’d ever really been in the dark! At least without the use of a blindfold or closing her eyes. It was… unnerving. “Uhm…”

“Uhm what?”

“It got darker and I uhm… can’t see,” Diagora admitted, just a tiny tremble of fear in her voice.

“Pssh!” Abby seemed quite confident enough. “Don’t be scared princess--”

“I’m not scared!”

“--we just have to put our hands on a wall, like this…” Abby reached out with her right hand and pulled Diagora against the wall. “And then we just follow the wall! No matter how complex the maze, if we just follow the right hand wall, we’ll eventually make it out!”

“Okay…” Diagora was clearly pouting.

Abby tried not to giggle at her expense. The cute little princess was afraid of the dark! How adorable! She dragged Diagora along with her and stuck to the right wall. They might have to walk for some time, but they’d eventually make it out!


After nearly twenty minutes of walking, Abby finally stopped. “Hey!” she said and pointed toward a little glimmer down the hallway. “A light!”

“Oh!” Diagora sounded far too excited. She bumped up against Abby and beamed ear-to-ear. “Perfect! And it’s so… so pretty,” Diagora’s voice trailed.

“Hm…?” Abby pursed her lips and tried to make out Diagora’s face in the dark, but she couldn’t manage with the small amount of light.

“Look at it, so pretty,” Diagora droned.

Abby peered toward the light. Immediately, she was captivated. It was golden, but it shimmered with all the colors of the rainbow. It shone and glittered and glinted and sparkled and twinkled and it was so hard to look away from.

“Yeah… so pretty,” Abby said, mouth hanging open just a bit.

“Should get closer…” Diagora whispered.

“Closer to the pretty light. So close to it.” Abby started walking toward it.

“Should stare at the pretty light. So bright. So pretty,” Diagora stood shoulder-to-shoulder with the halfling.

“So pretty. So good. Watch the light. Look at the light.” Abby fell to her knees and started crawling.

“Worship the light. So pretty. So good. So nice. Calming. Relaxing…” Diagora crawled right with her.

Neither was aware of what was going on around them. Even as they approached the little beam of light that had enraptured them so easily, they were lost in their own minds, slightly drooling, crawling slowly forward on all fours like animals.

“Closer… closer… worship the light…” Abby was so close. It was so bright. It filled her vision. Filled her mind.

“Such wonderful light… so pretty… swaying light… bobbing light… so relaxing…” Diagora could hardly even speak.

They crawled right up to the light and sat on their rumps. It jostled right between them. They followed, eyes glued to it. So pretty. So nice. So easy. It was so dark, except for the pretty light giving them just enough to see.

It moved between their faces. They followed and stared at the light that was just inches away. So powerful, but so soft. It didn’t hurt. But they could see each other. The look of happy bliss on the others’ face. It felt like they were sinking.

Slowing down. Sinking. Dropping. Hard to think. Hard to move. Just follow the light. Follow the light and…

It grew dimmer. They inched forward, breasts pressed against each other, practically wrapped in each others arms. Lips almost touching. Such a small light. So pretty. So faint. Can’t look away. Didn’t want to look away.

“Stare at the light. Just stare. Stare at the pretty light that bobs and moves,” strange voice quietly sang. “Good girls look into the light. Good girls get mesmerized by the light. Doesn’t it feel so good to be mesmerized by such a pretty light? Feeling all your worries, all your cares slipping away?”

The light started bobbing back and forth. The girls followed it in unison.

“You poor things. You wonderful, lost, adorable things…” A smug tone swallowed the gentle cadence of the song. “Tell me, who are you?”

“I’m Abby,” Abby droned.

“I’m Princess Diagora Betheslo Desthoria,” Diagora had never said her name so weakly, so lacking in authority.

Another haunting little giggle frayed their minds. Such a nice laugh. So a strong laugh. So much better to listen to than any mean thoughts trying to bubble to the surface.

“Good, good. Such good girls.” The voice paused. The light wiggled back and forth, making the girls again move in unison. “You’re sitting in front of a mirror. Breasts pressed against it. So close to it. See how its eyes moves when yours do? How it follows the light just like you. It’s a mirror. And that’s you in it.”

A little confusion started to creep into the girl’s minds, but the strange voice new how to put that away.

“So pretty. So proud. So gorgeous. Look how pretty you are. Look how soft you are. Look how wonderful you are. Aren’t you so happy to be so pretty. Doesn’t feeling pretty make you feel good? So cute and pretty. So beautiful and charming. So wonderfully adorable.”

The girls murmured and sighed deeply.

“That’s right. You’re looking in a mirror, and aren’t you happy with what you see? Aren’t you so pretty? So beautiful. Don’t you love your body? Aren’t you so aroused to see it? To feel it? To be blessed with such a beautiful body?”

Both the girls started to let out little moans. They were wrapped around the finger of whoever owned this voice.

“So pretty. So gorgeous. I’m going to give you a chance to explore it. To really feel it. To know what it’s like to love the body you see. I’m going to slip this light away and prepare something for you, something special. Something to preserve you and keep you as beautiful as you are, forever. But until this… enjoy. Experiment. Play.”

The light slipped away, and both girls were momentarily confused for just a second, but… Diagora was so lucky to be such a cute halfling! She couldn’t help but wrap herself around her doppleganger and start kissing!

And of course, Abby was so happy to be such a beautiful dragon girl! She just loved the feeling of the little scales on her cheeks rubbing against her own.

The two brainwashed girls made out and rolled around on the floor haphazardly. Lost in lust of their body without any desire to stop really loving it. As they kissed and rubbed against each other, the voice who put them in this state had her own plans.

An enchantress. An angler siren. Her little light specialized in hypnotizing cuties and luring them in, but getting two in one was quite the lucky break. She watched over the two of them in the supernatural darkness she emitted. Couldn’t have any pesky cutie with dark vision realizing what was going on!

She slithered closer and licked her lips. They thought they were each other! How funny! And this one was a princess! She knew what she would do with her to really seal in her new identity. “Now girls, it’s time to show a deeper affection,” the siren teased before extending her hands. The two shorties moved on their own, bodies being puppeteered. “Learn to truly enjoy yourself. Every last bit of you. From the top of your head to those cute little toes.”

The slithery siren didn’t have feet of her own, making the little appendages quite exotic and adorable, and with the two shorties rubbing against each other before squirming and moving about with Diagora on the bottom and Abby atop her, they started to frantically lick and worship the other’s feet.

Nose pressed against soles, tongues slipping between toes, kissing and drooling over what was offered. Their own love for “their” body became more and more engraved in their minds. There was nothing left to struggle, only pure adoration!

“So wonderful, is it not? To embrace yourself so strongly! So beautiful. So lucky to be so beautiful. Don’t you wish to stay that beautiful forever?”

The frantic making out with feet only became more ridiculously over the top as they nibbled on each others toes and nuzzled against them, not minding for a second their own saliva rubbing off on their faces. Their disheveled hair and dazed expressions were something they didn’t need to concern themselves with. All they needed to do was worship. Worship. Kiss. Lick. Suck.

So beautiful. So pretty. So lucky.

“Now, let’s make sure you’re properly preserved,” the siren cooed.

Light encircled the two girls and slowly rose up their body as a layer of rubber was left behind. A little portal slowly swallowed up Diagora’s horns and tail to get them out of the way as the rubber kept rising higher and higher.

Diagora in a rubber suit that looked just like Abby -- including a little extra padding on her butt and breasts to give her the proper shape -- and Abby in a rubber suit that looked just like Diagora.

Before long, their kissing was interrupted as masks slipped over their faces. For a moment, it sealed on them, looking like simple painted on faces. But the rubber became tighter and tighter until the masks might as well have been a second skin. The little squeaks of their movements seemed to entirely pass them by as they squirmed helplessly in the dark.

Her light glew again, this time bright enough to illuminate the two. Beyond the little shine of rubber, Diagora looked just like Abby. And Abby, sporting a rubber dragon tail and horns, looked just like Diagora.

“Abby?” Abby asked Diagora.

“Huh…? Princess?” Diagora asked.

“Have you learned your place to worship my feet?” Abby huffed in her best bratty voice, just an imitation of Diagora.

“You--Haa! You were enjoying it, princess, so don’t start! And look what you were doing with mine, huh!” Diagora sassed right back, unconsciously speaking in Abby’s cadence.

The siren giggled. “Girls, girls, no need to fight! Come now, this deep in the dungeon, who could blame you for getting so involved with one another.” The siren licked her lips. She was about to get a show.

Both the girls made a stubborn little face and glared up at the siren.

“You are, after all, deeply aroused by each other.” The siren’s light glowed and swirled, and the girls started gasping and panting with arousal. They were never going to be free if the siren had her way. “And you, a princess, so needy and desperate, look at that thick tail of yours! Don’t you believe it deserves some love?”

“I’d…! Hrmph! You’re right! Peasant, down on your back!” Abby commanded.

Diagora glared and shook her head. “Yeah right.”

Being on top, Abby had the upper hand, she smooshed Diagora’s face with her foot as she carefully got on, stepping on the halfling-suited-princess.

“If you enjoy being under my foot so much, perhaps you should stay there! Oooohohoho!” Abby tried a noblewoman’s laugh. Was this what she thought of Diagora?

Diagora squirmed and flailed under the foot planted right on her cheek. “Get off me!” she pouted.

“Hrmph! Kiss my royal sole, and I will bequeath you with the reward of being my seat!” Again, Abby laughed, this time holding up her hand to hide her open mouth.

Feeling a bit too dumb to see an obvious way out, Diagora smooched Abby’s sole. The taste of rubber was… a bit odd. Was she supposed to taste like rubber?

Before Diagora could think too much on it, Abby turned around and sat right on her face, suffocating Diagora under her pert rump and forcing the suited princess’s nose and mouth right against her slit. She started grinding down, smooshing the poor brainwashed princess’s head against the floor with little care.

“You should be… hff! Honored! Perhaps when this is done, I should take you home to be my maid! You could enjoy this treatment every day of your life! More than a peasant should ever aspire for!” Abby moaned as she kept wriggling.

She wasn’t slowing down. The squeaks of the rubber of her rubber pussy on Diagora’s rubber face didn’t distract her.

It wasn’t really distracting Diagora either. Her initial struggling died down before she started to worship the latex dragon girl pussy that threatened to make it hard to breathe. So warm! So hot! Hff. She wanted attention too! She shivered from head to toe and let out some muffled sounds.

“Hm? What’s that?” Abby raised an eyebrow before she settled on Diagora’s slit. “Oh. I see. Needy, hm? As I would expect from a commoner.” She curled her latex tail -- how was she even doing that!? -- and rubbed it against Diagora’s slit. “Perhaps I should penetrate you and ruin you! Make you my own little tailsheath! Oooohoohoho~!”

Abby really didn’t make a convincing noblewoman.

The siren was pleased enough to let the two continue and give her a show. As she leaned back and played with herself, she licked her lips. Perhaps she enjoyed some love too! Seeing them play was fun and on, but...

Diagora was way less restricted. She flomped forward and started licking Abby’s toes, kissing and slurping on them far too happily..

The sirens light started to glimmer and glow and swirl once more, even though both of the girls were busy worshiping the others’ feet, they couldn’t avoid the beautiful light. “Oh yes. I’m definitely keeping you two. You’re so precious. So beautiful. So wonderful. Let me keep you. Forever and ever and ever. My own little decorations. My statues. My sex toys.”

The siren stretched out her hands again. The rubber suits started to become stiffer and slid into every nook and crevice. The girls mouths were forced open into ridiculous o-shapes. Their holes were pushed up, awaiting use. As the rubber became stiffer and thicker, they couldn’t even really move anymore, arms bound to their sides, legs bound together! They just looked like erotic statues of each other!

“Mmm… perfect rubber slaves. Come, worship your new owner, and then I’ll put you away.” She slithered closer and around the two, wrapping them up in her tail before forcing them against her breasts. Their sexdoll mouths closed around it against their wills, leaving the two struggling girls inside their latex confused.

“Hm… let me show you a feature of my magic and a reward for being such good toys,” she hissed. Her light glimmered once again as parts of the rubber started vibrating. With the girls pressed together and against her breasts, the siren got to enjoy a full body massage even as her nipples hardened, and she stuffed her new toys tighter against her bosom.

For the two inside the suit, their minds started scrambling. The vibrating was focused on their own tits, their pussies, their rears, inside them, it felt like it was everywhere! It was impossible to resist being milked and teased to orgasm again and again while the siren pressed tighter, moaning and squirming in pleasure as she used her two new toys as nothing but fancy vibrators!

Aside from the wonderful buzzing, the two were a duo of exotic moans and squeals and gasps. Not much was let past the latex, and all their pathetic sounds amounted to so little when stuffed so tight against the siren’s breasts.

“Hfffrmmm~!” Abby couldn’t think anymore. She was just an instrument being played. Vibrating and squirming and rubbing against the angler siren. It was like it was her entire purpose. All she could think of.

And Diagora wasn’t better off. Her little desperate little huffs started to get louder and louder as the suited princess was pushed into an orgasm, her body unable to resist it. Though, she didn’t really want to. The buzzing was so nice, and it was so good to just give into it!

Finally with a surprisingly loud squeal, Diagora gave in and let out a long, throating, gagged moan. Seeing the other dolly so pathetically creaming herself pushed Abby over the edge to join her.

The siren continued for far too long before finally tiring out. She slowly separated herself from the two and lounged on her side. She licked her lips as she admired the rubber statues with the hypnotized and probably lust maddened cuties trapped inside. Unable to move. Only able to enjoy their endless buzzing prisons.

“Perfect. Let me get some display cases for my new sex dolls,” the siren chuckled. She turned her back on the girls and extinguished her light and left the two standing right where they were in complete darkness. Complete isolation from the other aside from little orgasmic “Mmmphs!” and rubber squeaks.

But they were good sexdolls. They didn’t mind. They were decorations. Playthings. They needed to wait to be played with. Just like good little sexdolls.

The movement and sliding of something along the ground didn’t disturb them in the least.

“Up you go,” the siren commanded as her light flashed back on for them.

They stood up.

“In. Come on. Be my precious toys forever. Once you come in, I’ll leave my light here to take you deeper and deeper until there's not much left but wanting to be a good sexdoll. You’ll feel so happy and blissful. So good and wonderful being owned. Being my property.”

The two girls obediently marched into waiting glass display cases. The siren eagerly situated them inside before posing them on their knees, legs spread to see their open sex, and heads tilted back in adulation. Caricatures of each other. A slutty dragon princess in one, and a slutty halfing in the other.

The siren slithered away briefly before returning with some oversized toys. “It’s time to make sure you’re nice and stuffed. Have to keep you in good condition inside your new boxes.” She slid the toys into each orifice, leaving the two girls overstuffed, something occupying each hole, and still vibrating endlessly. Only squeaks and muffled moans to be heard.

But as the glass door slid closed, and they were sealed inside. Even that noise disappeared.

It was looking like this was really, definitely, absolutely GAME OVER!


The siren spotted something from the corner of her eye. Though she’d once been stuck in an oversized fishbowl wishing to be free, she had grown to like this room. All the stuffed animals made it rather cute. Evira had a cute side to her, after all.

One of the stuffed teddy bears in the corner was wiggling and half-covered in a strange black rubber. The siren looked from the Abby-suited-Diagora to the teddy. “Huh. Same haircut,” she mused.

A sudden bit of movement and an oversized plush fell off another shelf. Something black and goopy launched itself right at the Abby-suited-Diagora and splatted against the glass.

“Filthy thing,” the siren sneered at the goop monster. “I suppose I have to take care of you, too!”

Though Diagora was blissfully unaware of what was going on, some deep part of Abby’s consciousness recognized the black wiggling mass for what it was.


Her appearance managed to dip far enough down into Abby’s psyche to recognize she was in danger! Nabby was here! Oh no!

While the siren and Nabby tussled, Abby started to wiggle and move, getting the rubber to start loosening up. She pushed the case open as quickly as she could and watched the spectacle of the siren struggling while being nabbed.

“Mmmphhmm~!” Abby tried to speak through her ring gag. She rushed over to the other display case and pulled Diagora out. After a little little slaps to make Diagora wake up, she immediately started running.

The lovely sounds of the siren squealing in pleasure followed them until they were rather suddenly muffled. 

Abby knew that Nabby would come after her next.


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