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--December Pack--

Happy holidays and may you have an amazing New Year.  I know it's late but isn't that better than none at all?  I think so!  In any case, thank you all for being patient.  The Holidays had me working on some fun Art for A big cat named Zhali.  If you know her then you may have an idea as to what's coming.  If not I hope you enjoy the fun festive art that I'm dropping this month.  This will be broken up into two posts.  One for December and one for January.  In any case, lots of holiday art is coming so sit back and enjoy!

I appreciate you all more than you know! Thank you for a great 2023! 

--Please remember to get all the stuff you want from the December folder before the end of January 2024.--





Wow these are so lovely!


Thank you so much. Im very happy to hear that.