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Hey folks.  I wanted to give you all a heads up.  I have had a very bad month art wise.  My ADHD and anxiety have been fairing up so bad that focusing has been impossible.   I am really trying to get some art done for you all this month but I'm not sure I will make it.  Please be patient with me.  I've been in panic mode all month because this.




There is no hurry. Take good care of yourself :)


There's no need to push yourself; your health takes priority. Take a step back and come back to it when you're ready.


Thanks everyone. It's a relief to hear that from you all.

Ed Taylor

Take care!


I'm working on. I'm being told by my friends and family that it sounded like sever burnout mixed with ADHD. I am getting through it though. Thanks for your kind words. n.n