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--May Pack--

Hello Folks!  How is everyone?  I hope you all had a great month.  I sure did.  I love the summer months.  I get tons of nature and sun every morning when I go for my walks.  It's very therapeutic.  If you do I would totally suggest getting out for some fresh air.

The arting has been good.  I've been trying to get faster but I'm not sure it working very well XD.  I'll keep at it though. I'm sure it will stick at some point, and I'll be a bit quicker one day.  Anyways, you all have new art to enjoy.  Please let me know what you think.  I love comments and I do try to respond (when I get notifications / notice I have them).  Thanks for hanging out with me here.  I really appreciate it.  n.n

Being Awesome must come very easily to you all! <3

--Please remember to get all the stuff you want out of the May folder before the end of June 2023.--




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