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--March Pack--

Hello all!  Its time to post some art.  This month had me working on some larger projects that took a bunch of time.  They are both in this pack so get in there and take a look.  I hope you enjoy them.  One is very Retro-synth and i totally love it.  The other has Ashley (Bunny), Arisa (the MLP looking pony) and Zhali (big tiger gal).  This one is kinda special to be as well.  I hope you are all well and taking care of yourselves.  If not, you better get on that! I like having you all around!

You folks are totally awesome.  Thanks you for that. <3

--Please remember to get all the stuff you want out of the March folder before the end of April 2023.--




Baldur the Impious

I love the retro wave pic, its sooooo pretty &gt;w&lt;


Awesome work as always and that car looks sicc!


That is some of my favorite art and music. Love retro wave stuff!


Thank you so much. I had a great time producing the art for last month. I'm very happy to hear that you like it as well. n.n


It's all the cyber retro designs and colors and Everything!!! n.n

Bradley Collings

Missed this apparently, cool geometrics in Karoa's vapor background.