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Sooo... Ummm. I totally forgot to make the post because of preparation for Anthrocon... Folks... I am crazy sorry. I will post when I get home.... I'm am so sorry.. I feel awful... Please be patient and hang in there. I feel like an idiot...


Dude McGuy

Have a good time!


I'm gunna try. Thanks. ^^ sorry about the non post ..


Be safe!

Rau Werner

Heeeeyy, np bro, life happens. X3 Enjoy yourself and have fun, all good. 😺

Bradley Collings

Pay attention to the Con, worrying about the Pat post will just detract from it, the normal stuff will still be around in a few days, so enjoy the moment.


I'll do my best. I worry to much. It's an anxiety thing that affects me. I appreciate your kind words. ^^