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I've been really into working on developing original characters recently, but nothing is super polished yet so I'm not ready to share much publicly (and I also get shy about sharing original stuff... lol), but I still like the concepts a lot so far and I figure it might be interesting for you guys to see some sketches and maybe a small peek into my designing process for OCs

I spend a lot of time redoing and tweaking markings and colors and stuff, so I usually don't save every variation throughout the process but my basic approach is that when I do a rough sketch I like I'll do a cleaner sketch and put color on it to tweak the markings and colors until I like them, and once I'm satisfied with that version I'll do a fully inked and clean/finalized version of the design. As you can see sometimes I have to do that a few times to get it right lol. The first two characters are in the same story as the bobcat character I posted recently and are on my toyhouse (which I'm trying to use more lol): https://toyhou.se/ursiday/characters/folder:2895649



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