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Sorrry this is being later than usual. :x I really wanted to finish Bubbline in time for Valentine's day. (And resizing, uploading and properly listing in my stores...tedium. Which I'll need to do more of soon. Stores need so much updating. It would be sooo much easier if Storenvy had variable prices so I could put 4x6s to 12x16s of the same piece in the same goddamn place. But guh. C'est la vie.) And if you want to buy a print, be sure to use your "patr30nthanks" discount code! You can find the prints on my Storenvy here: http://izzikat.storenvy.com/products/12126876-bubbline-12x16 There are also mugs, rugs, clocks, shirts and other stuff with Bubbline on it available on my Society6 - but sadly, I have no power to give discounts on there. :( Still, it's pretty fun stuff to browse. Check it owwwt: http://society6.com/product/bubbline-4qr_print#1=45



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