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A friend for breed Adrian! Dr Xavier Laurel is here to make sure he doesn't die, and is losing years off his life in the process! 




I can just see Adrian with a list of pokemon he hasn't carried yet that he's determined to and Laurel just looking at it thinking 'why, just why?' and 'Please don't'. I'm also convinced Adrian is having a bit too much fun with his carrying and not realizing the danger he's in, I mean look at that poor bruised tummy of his. Love the scene of him being forced onto bed rest it's so fucking cute! He owes Laurel a gift of some kind.


Ahaha I mean, that list does exist because I have the list of pokemon for him to carry 👀💖💖 but yeah, that's Xavier's general reaction when Adrian tells him what he's carrying 😭 Oh he does!! He's got a high tolerance for pain, a determination that's unstoppable, and a love for pokemon unrivalled!! He's ready to go through a lot to make some new ones, and it takes years off Xavier's life!!! He owes him one hell of a gift!