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wow! so this was the first writing option that has been picked for the monthly poll! i hope it lives up to everyones expectations! originally i was going to write this as just how i imagined bei's labor was going to go based on what we had been doing, but then things happened and bei actually gave birth in story!! wow! so this is a fancy rewrite of Bei's actual birth that happened in game, which is just a little extra fun really!

anyway i hope you enjoy this! 



The cave was relentless, it seemed like no matter what they did or where they went the group found themselves surrounded by small, slimy tentacles. Bei absolutely hated it, the job had seemed simple enough when they read the posting in the tavern and taken it to their group. Go to the cave by the beach, discover why people where disappearing, and take care of the problem. A simple job that would be easy enough for the five of them to manage, even if Bei and Ark were so close to due with the orc’s they carried. 

Even though the cave job had seemed so easy, it was clear they were out of their depths when not long into their journey they were ambushed by the slimy creatures. Small, blue-green creatures had awoken them, clambering into their sleep rolls and under their clothes as they tried to force their way inside the adventurers warm bellies.

Maybe resting in the cave had been a mistake, but the road here was a long one and it was already so late in the evening when they arrived, and with Bei and Ark being as heavily pregnant as they were it only seemed fair to rest before venturing further into the cave. However, the attack surprised them in the group’s tired state and not everyone was quick enough to bat the creatures back before they slipped their slimy bodies inside them without hesitation, and Bei had been one of the unlucky ones. Ark even more so when his water broke suddenly mid-combat.

The next few hours only grew worse, Ark struggled to give birth as they were ambushed by more tentacle creatures, larger ones now that had grabbed Haven and Elijah and fucked them full of eggs on their slimy appendages. Bei could do nothing to help either of them as Ark struggled to push the large orcs out of his unprepared hole. 

It should have been a sign for them to leave, to turn back while they still could, but foolishly they had stayed, determined to make this night worthwhile for all their troubles.

Every room they entered was filled with the tentacle creatures, large and small, all eager to climb inside or fuck them until their stomach’s had swelled heavily. They all fought desperately to stop them, but the attacks were unending and they were all so tired already, the constant fighting was taking its toll on them and Bei was still heavy with orc young and, try as they might, they were no match for the creatures in here. 

The party was desperately trying to find a way out of this place, bellies throbbing and full of monstrous spawn, but it seemed like every way they went only lead to more danger. Hurrying on wobbly legs with hands held under freshly swollen stomachs, they dashed from one room to the next, hoping it would finally be the last.

That’s when they entered a cave, larger than any of the other rooms they had entered so far, that was glowing with the pale moon’s light and eerily quiet. Chests lay to the side, terrifying and tantalizing all at once with risk or reward, and a pool of still dark water filled the room. 

The group approached warily, all too familiar with the dangers of the cave to rush in to the room, especially not with the new weight they’d gained along the way. They had barely a moment to discuss their next move before a man’s silhouette appeared in the middle of the room, unmoving as though he’d been there the whole time without them noticing.

“At last…” he spoke, voice deep and alluring as his blue eyes glowed in the low light of the cave.

Suddenly, eight tentacles burst from the pool of water, reaching out and curling tightly around each member of the group. Cries echoed through the cave as they were all pulled off the ground and hung in the air by the thick tentacles.

The half elf, Haven, cried out as he squirmed for freedom, “W-what do y-you wa- want!?” eyes shining with tears as the tentacle squeezed harder around his swollen midsection.

“Do not worry, small one” the man spoke, pulling Haven closer to him, “I simply seek hosts for my young, I will not hurt you.”

More tentacles surged forth, tugging thighs apart and beginning to stroke against them. The members struggled, fighting against the tight grip as they cried out in pain and surprise. The tentacles didn’t budge no matter how much they struggled, and were quickly slipping below waistbands and up pant legs, searching for a hole to fill. 

Ark struggled, gasping for air in the tight hold. “I think we’re already hosting enough young, thanks!” he retorted breathlessly, only earning a slick thrust from a tentacle pushing inside him for his effort. 

Bei fought against the tentacle, trying desperately to free their self as they listened to the man speak with their companions. At the mention of the creature’s young they froze, this man was seriously trying to breed them now, when they we’re all clearly heavy with his spawn and more?

“Over my dead body!” Bei screeched, fighting harder, determined to not let this man breed any more of his tentacled nightmares. They we’re still heavy with orc’s and the other tentacle creature that had managed to slip inside them. There wasn’t any room left for anything else, and they weren’t due to have the orc’s yet either. There was no way this man could even knock them up more if he wanted to.

“N-no way...W-we can’t h-hold anym- more...look at u-us…” Haven pleads, stomach round and full of eggs and tentacles that could be seen squirming under his skin and pushing at his insides. He whimpers as the tentacles slide across his crotch, making him twist and squirm in its hold.

“You can still have more,” The man croons, voice even and calm despite the increasing moans filling the room. He turns to look at Bei with a glimmer in his eyes, “especially you. I’m sure we can get these ones out beforehand.”

Without warning, a tentacle forced its way inside Bei’s hole, stretching them wide around it as it slammed into them. Their eyes went wide with a choked gasp as they felt a sudden burst of pressure inside them and water splashing out around the tentacle, coating their thighs and hitting the floor with a wet noise. Their stomach tightened as a sharp pain ran through it, tears filled their eyes as their water was suddenly broken by the tentacle.

It takes a second for their mind to catch up with what just happened, but they’re screaming before they even realize they are. Pain ripples down their body as the tentacle pulls out roughly, more fluid spilling out of them in a heavy gush. Their stomach cramps again, tight and painful as they can feel the heavy weight of an orc settle in their hips. 

“N-no!” Bei chokes out on a broken sob, pressure weighing on them as the orc settles deep in their pelvis. This was too fast, too sudden. They weren’t even due yet, and their body hasn’t had time to prepare to give birth to creatures so large. 

They can feel the head pushing against their cervix, contractions forcing it down before they’re ready for it. The contractions seemed to only be speeding the labor up faster, tearing their body apart from the inside as the urge to push became unbearable. They knew they weren’t ready, their body would have no time to stretch for the orc to be born easily, but the orc was still quickly descending inside them, forcing their body to open around it’s girth. 

They had no choice but to push with the pain as the head forced itself down into their birth canal. Their hands clambered against the slippery surface of the tentacle, scrambling for freedom or support as the pain made them gasp for air and tears spill down their cheeks. This couldn’t be happening, not now. Not like this.

Bei began to push despite the searing pain running through their body. The orc’s head pushes deeper still, and Bei could feel their swollen lips beginning to part as it pressed just behind them. Their gasps becoming pants as they frantically try to draw breath, just on the verge of hyperventilating with how hard they were trying. The baby’s head moves lower, and with a sob they push again.

The orc’s head moves and then stops, seeming to catch on something inside Bei as they try to push. Their body clearly hadn’t had the time to adjust to the size of the orc’s as the head remains stuck just behind Bei’s bulging lips. They moan and pant, trying to push to get it to budge but it barely moves. The large orc’s head just too wide to stretch through Bei’s hole.

Bei squirms and cries, head lolling back and forth as their mind becomes fuzzy and muddled with the pain. The orc’s head remains stuck, not budging no matter how hard they try to push, lips quivering with effort as Bei pushes and pushes to no avail.

“You’re taking too long” the man’s voice cuts through Bei’s hazy mind just enough to focus on through the background noise of their companions moans as tentacles thrust inside them, pumping them full of eggs. Bei can barely concentrate on what’s happening around them though, especially as the man speaks and the tentacle holding them shifts high around their belly before it squeezes.

The sudden pressure of the tentacle pressing against the top of their stomach makes Bei’s head drop back with a wide-eyed scream. Their muscles tensed on reflex, tightening up as the tentacle squeezed them, but it wasn’t enough to stop the pressure from forcing the orc’s head into a full crown instantly. Fluids drip down their legs again as they’re stretched tight around the head, gasping for breath. The pain burns unbearably, the orc’s head was massive and they were stretched impossibly wide around it.

“St-stop… please…” Bei manages to choke out, body going limp as they pain takes away any of the fight they had left inside them.

Their begging falls on deaf ears though as the tentacle gives them another tight squeeze and this time their stomach contracts tightly, helping to push the baby out quickly. With the combined force, the orc practically shoots out of Bei’s stretched hole as another tentacle grabs it. Bei can’t even focus enough through the pain to see where it went next, only able to hang limply in the tentacles grip as they feel the next orc dropping down into their pelvis. 

“No… D-don’t do this...please!” Bei begs, vision blurred by tears and only vaguely aware of the torture their friends are being put through as well, but there’s nothing they can do to stop this as the next orc moves deeper.

The orc’s head slides into their birth canal, but just like the first it reaches their lips before it stops, not moving any further with the aid of contractions. Bei tries to push, but in their exhausted state it’s a weak effort at best, lips twitching in effort as the baby remains just on the edge. Their lips and hole are red and stinging, and even the smallest effort makes the pain throb through them. They just want this to be over.

The man watches as Bei’s hole twitches, trying to push but the orc head only barely moves before slipping back in each time. They just didn’t have the strength left anymore. “You made such good progress, getting tired?” he teases and the tentacles grip tightens once more.

“I don’t want this” Bei sobs, feeling the pressure growing as the tentacle squeezes their stomach tightly, forcing the orc lower and lower, “P-please… stop…”

With a tight squeeze the second orc’s head stretches to a full crown, Bei’s head hangs low and tears spill down their face as the pain surges. There is nothing they can do to stop this impatient man from forcing the orc’s from their body recklessly. Clearly only caring for his desperate need to breed his own spawn in their place.

Bei’s muscles tense as the second orc turns inside them, shoulders lining up slowly. They weight of the huge baby inside them is no joke as it slides deeper and deeper. They take a breath, gathering the strength to push again before the tentacle gives another sudden squeeze to their stomach that forces them to shout. The effort of both Bei pushing and the tentacle squeezing is enough to force the second orc out completely as well. It slides out in a slick mess, caught again by a tentacle as Bei is left floundering for air after the sudden birth.

The final orc settles in their hips, deep and already stretching them after the birth of the other two had loosened them up. Bei couldn’t stand the thought of being forced through another agonizing birth at the clutches of the tentacle that held them. Before it could squeeze again, they tucked their chin to their chest and pushed as hard as they can, feeling the baby move successfully. After birthing two orcs it seemed their body was better prepared to push out the third, so they ignored the growing pain and heavy exhaustion that weighed on them and pushed.

Bei groaned with the effort as they felt the baby slowly come to a crown, wide head sliding slowly from their slick hole until the widest part stretched them completely. They gasped for breath as the head settled, searing pain surged through them but at least they were making progress now. 

They steady their self once more, taking deep breaths before pushing again and feeling the head move down deeper and deeper until it popped out with a gush of fluid. They shivered with a gasp as the baby’s head hung from them. They were so close to this being over, so close to being rid of the heavy orc’s that filled their womb. They took a breath and began to push, hoping it would be the last.

They push again, but the orc doesn’t seem to move, twisting slowly as the shoulders line up, but the baby doesn’t budge despite Bei’s effort. They let out a frustrated groan before trying again, pushing harder as sweat drips down their face and they grit their teeth in effort. They push with all their strength, but again, the baby doesn’t move.

“Ahh! C’mon!!” Bei cries out, frustration and pain making them short tempered as they feel fresh, hot tears slide down their face. They couldn’t do this anymore. All their strength was gone, and they couldn’t bear the pain any longer.

“Come out now, child, time for my own to find a home” the man says suddenly, surprising Bei out of their concentration as the tentacle wraps around them tighter and begins to squeeze again.The tentacle manages to force the shoulders to stretch Bei open, sliding the orc forward just a little more.

“Haven’t you done e-enough!?” Bei shouts, chest heaving for breath as the tentacle crushes them tightly in it's hold, once again growing impatient with their effort and taking control of their body with its tentacles. “This is wrong!”

The tentacle’s grip loosened around them, and they groaned at the release of the tight grip constricting them. They could feel the orc slip back slightly as the tentacle stopped squeezing.

The man’s eyes seem full of rage as he growled out, “what was wrong was the surface world killing my people…”

The tentacle twists around Bei again, even tighter than before, quickly cutting off their air supply and pushing down on their stomach hard. As the squeezing grew stronger and stronger Bei managed to choke out, “you don’t have to do this!”

With another squeeze, almost as if the man was defying Bei’s words, the baby orc slid from them, just as large as the first two and falling into the grasp of a tentacle below. Bei sagged in exhaustion, body shivering as fluids dripped from their aching hole. With a weak push they feel the after birth fall out of them with a squelch, hitting the cave floor beneath.

Their head flops back as they pant, eyes half-lidded and on the verge of passing out after such a brutal birth. They glanced about, taking in the sight of their companions tangled in the tentacles, stomachs round and full as egg after egg was pumped into them. Tears slide down their cheeks as they watched, unable to do anything to help them escape this nightmare. Their body was throbbing with pain and unresponsive, they barely had the energy to move their fingers anymore. 

They feel the cool, slick tentacle slide up between their sore lips before pushing into their stretched hole in one harsh thrust. Their body jerks with motion, and a sob escapes as they feel the tentacle settle deep inside them and start to thrust shallowly. It wasn’t long before they felt an egg make it’s way up the tentacle, dropping into their now empty womb with ease. They simply lay back, letting the tears flow as another egg was pushed inside them, knowing that this is only the beginning.



Okay wow wow wow not even gonna lie I started crying at the part with Bei pleading just my goodness and just this was so amazingly written like always like I am legit blown away our campaign produced such an amazing read OMG. But goodness Bei sweetheart I just wanna hug you so bad right now and take care of you ;; Ahhhhh just this is a wonderful retelling of what happened OMG I loved reading this you always describe everything so well!!! Just all my yes right here but Bei totally needs some hugs after this and maybe some snuggles probably something warm and safe for a while ;v;/ But this was an amazing first writing poll winner I can't wait for more ahhhhh!!!!


Amazing!! You even got the baby cannons in there ;^; this is more than I could have imagined!


Ahh thank you so much! I'm really glad to hear you enjoy it since it's the first written reward! It was a lot of fun getting to relive Bei's birth again though! They'll defs need a rest after all this tho