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Hi everyone I wanted to tell you a few things, 


The comics I'm uploading here will be uploaded on my gumroad store once a new comic is completed here, the first one will be muscleshifter 1, that also means that once a new comic is finished here.

an old one will be erased from here as well. 

So, if for example I complete the comic big Zoe, an old comic will be erased and will be uploaded to my gumroad, but don't worry, a week before that I will provide an easy download link for said comic. This will also apply to the animations,  I'll let you know too.

So muscleshifter 1 will be erased in a week, so if you want to download it now go here 


(In case you don't have it)


In order to make longer and better animations, I will be uploading an animation once a month or one every two months, like that I will have more room to work on more stuff and better animations.

That's all folks, the rest will remain the same.

Thanks for the support people, I'ts deeply appretiate it.


Jordan Lew

I clicked the link but it says that it’s locked and I have to become your patron for access. I’m using the app on my iPhone anyone else have this problem?


Is there an easier way to download it? Like a PDF or zip file?