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I think I employed every ounce of my skill as an artist into this one. I've been having a wonderful time painting natural backgrounds lately, esp. trees and grasses and stuff. I know those aren't necessarily the focus here but to me they're just as important. I had a lot of ideas regarding Paul Bunyan but this was the scene in my head that was the most 'me.' Paul and his fellow lumberjacks finished a long day of work and decided to strip down and cool off at their favorite secluded lake nearby while Babe dozes in a clearing. They all have great camaraderie together, and Paul's half-hard cock provides one helluva diving board!




I bet laying in that furrow between his pecs and belly is like laying in a field of tall grass.

Bryan Whiteman

this is a very cute concept

It's Jake

Im going to get the neuralink so i can have this picture in my brain all the time and ill develop a program like sword art online so i can go inside this drawing in my head and join them and i will be in bliss forever thank you 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕