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Did you like the new art?

  • I don't like them at all. 7
  • Not horrible, but not good enough. 44
  • Not great, but good enough. 30
  • I like them a lot. 12
  • 2024-02-13
  • 93 votes
{'title': 'Did you like the new art?', 'choices': [{'text': "I don't like them at all.", 'votes': 7}, {'text': 'Not horrible, but not good enough.', 'votes': 44}, {'text': 'Not great, but good enough.', 'votes': 30}, {'text': 'I like them a lot.', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 13, 16, 36, 20, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 93}


I read some comments of people who weren't very fond of the new artstyle, so I want to know where everyone stands on this, as I'm not super sure of myself on this either. I'm attaching some of the PNGs below for inspection. Please answer as honestly as you can.




I don't think the art is bad, I voted option 3 but there is definitely a shift in perspective compared to renders from previous versions. Image two is less disorienting due to the lack of faces but there is a odd inconsistent quality to the shading. It's not super noticeable with Mary and Maki, but Franziska's face came out very sharp and slightly long compared to previous iterations of the character, Narcissa' horns appear oddly two dimensional, and poor Katrina looks squished and oddly short especially next to cononically short characters like Narcissa and Maki and her hair seems to be soaked flat to her skull by a recent shower. I hope that this post helps you figure out what direction you want take the art in moving forward and look forward to seeing more content for daemonum Imperatrix. Thank you for everything that you do!


These are neither better nor worse than previous imho. For me, it boils down to how the art is used to convey the experience to the player that matters. I don't feel like any of the options convey my stance toward the new art style, so I have selected none. I fell in love with Domina for the story over the art. I like the nature below the surface. The art is a significant contributor to the feel of the game, but not its most important part. I'd prefer you focus on the experience as a whole over the visual aesthetic. Furthermore, I don't feel the new art is too dissimilar for continuity.

Botan dragneel

hate to be that guy, but i have to strongly disagree on certain parts here. The difference to the art before is as clear as day. Denying that feels disrespectful to the previous artist ,regardless of the circumstances. Dont get me wrong though, i think theres some potential here yet to be harnessed. but still, some improvements need to be made. Aside from that, while i usually like the balance between asthetics and story for most of my games, we shouldnt forget: this is a hentai game after all. in other words : Depending on who you ask, there are probably lots of people, who would say ,that the art is actually the most important part. @deakarous. The fact, that you felt the need to create a poll in the first place basically already answered your suspicion of the art not being good enough, right? This is just about confirmation. You also have to take the poll with a grain of salt, because many patreons are probably just to polite to say anything bad about it.