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It's that time again - your chance to name a secondary character in the New Year update! 😀 So far, over a dozen characters have been given their monikers in one of these contests - some hilarious, some making substantial changes to the characters and even storylines... there's great power in a name! ⚡

This contest is to name the Khumon female you met (and narrowly avoided being mauled by) in the showerblock scene. Although not she's not intended as a major character in the game, her name will end up providing the template for all Khumon names to come - just as your fellow-patron Major Codex steered the direction of all Volchak names in a very 'Dark-Elf' direction, and Major Alex added the 'Arthurian' spin to Morgana and Lancelot.

The rules are as simple as they are arbitrary 😂 - suggest any names you like in the comments below; and click the heart button on any entries you like the sound of. I'll pick the name that sounds best to me... but will be heavily swayed by the most liked entries, and a touch prejudiced against past contest winners.

Really looking forward to seeing what you've got! 😜




Was never good at names, but why not I'll bite. Uladria and for male lets go Ulor. I do have a question though. Sex Yes?


I'm also terrible at naming things but why not lol. How about Krathi? I just imagine the Khumon names would involved a lot of 'k' 'th' and 's' sounds


Solid names, Cap... and I like the approach you guys have taken so far with the phonetics… nice internal logic to whatever guttural language these guys rasp!