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The results are in! Our rawr alien spacehunk Constable has a name, and it's Ayewn Vel'Criox! ✨

Congratulations to Major Codex Empyrean for the most upvotes and the winning entry. 👍🏻 It's a great name, and - like all names - will have a substantial effect on the character and his Volchak race... 🍆

Talking of which, the standard of names was so high - and the elven theme so dominant - that all of Ayewn's tray'an (Household) now have names of their very own! Thanks to MDarkfyre, Ryan, Taylor, Umbreeyoree and James for their excellent entries - and I hope that you're all happy with the characters I assigned them to! 😁

Can't wait to see what the next name poll throws up... actually, I might throw out an all-Patron Favourite Volchak Poll to see which ones most float people's boats! 🤗



Codex Empyrean

Yay! I'd let Ayewn rail me. All the time anywhere hehehe


Ayewn: These are all of my tray'an, Dormac... Dormac: Hello Ayewn: Charon... Charon: Hello Ayewn: Thikaan... Thikaan: Greetings Ayewn: Stort... Stort: Goodbye Uproarious laughter from tray'an Ayewn: Don't mind her, I'm told she is hilarious, and Zelos. Zelos: Eeyyyhhh Ayewn: ... ... I don't know what that was. There is one more of us, but Howard had jury duty, as it is a great honor. Umbreeyoree: I don't know why I did this.