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   Hey guys and gals, hope you had another wonderful month. For me, this was a Bob Ross month. I was in great need to just be able to kick back, relax and "paint" some beautiful landscapes. Unfortunately the Backlands map-pack didn't have any happy trees, and you cant have a Bob Ross painting experience without happy trees.  So to counter that I made all of the next map-pack nothing but happy trees. :D All joking aside, I really just needed something relaxing to create to counter some stressful things going on my life right now.

  On a completely other note, I'm currently working on a new type of scrolling/travel map that is a little more wet then my previous travel maps :D. I'm hoping to iron out some of the issues and get the pack done and ready for next month. Fingers crossed! I will try to post a little demo teaser of it in the coming weeks. 

On the subject of travel maps, what terrain types would yall be interested in seeing a cart / travel map-pack of? Please comment below because I'm planning on making another pack of it soon.

   Well that's it for this month. I hope you and your party enjoy these new additions to your collection. As always follow the links below to your appropriate Tier to download your content. Enjoy!


Tier D10 - 4K, HD, VTT, Still Image Maps, Ambient Audio & Bonus Maps 

Tier D8 - HD, & Still Image Maps 

Tier D6 - Still Image Maps 


Tier D10 - 4K, HD, VTT, Still Image Maps & Ambient Audio 

Tier D8 - HD, & Still Image Maps 

Tier D6 - Still Image Maps 


Backlands | Animated Battle Maps

Become my patron to gain access to this pack and 200+ other custom-made animated maps. www.patreon.com/LivingRealms



I really dig these maps. It works well with the Ethuil maps. If you make the scrolling cart travel map, could you do it so the cart is something we drop onto the map in case the players are walking or we need to put down a different vehicle for whatever reason? I find it useful for making a transition scene where it cuts from the travel to, overturned cart in the road because "AMBUSH!"


Oh as for map ideas. You've covered a lot of the tropes from what I can tell. I think a small dungeon project that interests you or a few boss room set pieces would combine nicely with a lot of what you've already developed. I'm just waiting for more of those Port town maps because they are awesome.